I was able to generate the webservices for the stored proc's which are having primitive java types using Jdeveloper's create plsql wizard, as described in this site
But I want to expose PL/SQL stored procedures which are having complex input & output structures as Webservice via JDeveloper, complex meaning non-primitive java types.
When I try to generate the web services for the below stored procedures, I am not able to select the stored procedures from the wizard as they were greyed out and when I click on the why not button it showed me the below error message.
The following types used by the program unit do not have an XML Schema mapping and/or serializer specified:
Below is my stored proc definition.
TYPE TransferItemRec_t IS RECORD
external_service ipgPaymentTransferDef.External_Service%TYPE,
discount_quantity INTEGER
TYPE TransferItems_t IS VARRAY(200) OF TransferItemRec_t;
PROCEDURE BalanceCarryIn(
pCustomerRef IN customer.customer_ref%TYPE,
pSubscriptionPS IN custhasproduct.subs_product_seq%TYPE,
pExternalOfferID IN ipgPaymentTransferDef.External_Offer_Id%TYPE,
pIRBOfferID IN ipgPaymentTransferDef.Irb_Offer_Id%TYPE,
pTransactionDtm IN DATE,
pTransactionID IN ipgtransactionaudit.transaction_id%TYPE,
pTransferItems IN TransferItems_t
PROCEDURE BalanceCarryOut(
pCustomerRef IN customer.customer_ref%TYPE,
pSubscriptionPS IN custhasproduct.subs_product_seq%TYPE,
pExternalOfferID IN ipgPaymentTransferDef.External_Offer_Id%TYPE,
pIRBOfferID IN ipgPaymentTransferDef.Irb_Offer_Id%TYPE,
pTransactionDtm IN DATE,
pTransactionID IN ipgtransactionaudit.transaction_id%TYPE,
pTransferItems OUT TransferItems_t
please help me.
Thanks in advance.