linda russel

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 05, 2012
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Recent posts by linda russel

you need to add those annotations to your tests to ignore
11 years ago
Are you doing any kind of automation?
11 years ago
Your best option would be to fix the use of deprecated APIs. However, an option would be to add the @SupressWarnings("deprecation") annotation to the classes or methods that are using the deprecated APIs.
11 years ago

The first part of the code is written as a method in a common java file
The second part of the code is written as a call to that common method.
Ispite of these smiley is not drawn ?
Any idea of how to correct it?
11 years ago

my smiley is not being drawn inspite of the following code!!! any ideas?
11 years ago
problem is i am getting the id of the html5 canvas. but i do not know how to get a particular co-ordinates and do the processing there.
11 years ago
i am trying to do the mouse click and release in HTML5 canvas. i am trying to do selenium automation.
11 years ago
could you please give me the name of the API if any?
11 years ago
Actually i am doing Selenium automation using webdriver API's , the problem is that i have few HTML5 components and HTML5 canvas for which i do not have any Webdriver API's so i am trying to call a external javascript
11 years ago
Actually i just want to run a simple javascript which has a alert message by calling it in my java program.

Thanks for your previous replies.
11 years ago
i have a javascript file and i want to call that javascript in my java program. how do i execute that?
11 years ago
is it possible to insert the unit test code of Qunit into selenium automation code?
11 years ago
Is it possible to do unit testing by automation a simple login screen?
11 years ago
do we have any javascript through which we can type some text in html5 canvas?
oh. i dont have a applet. so i think i will have to use javascript.