In a project I need to make a planner tasks, they must be persistent in BDD, ie it can be modified beings, you can delete, pause them, create jobs in runtilme etc. ....
I am looking for an example with spring and hibernate which allows it to ...
catch(EmptyResultDataAccessException msgErr){
throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.usernameNotFound",
new Object[]{username}, "Utilisateur {0} non paramétré en base", LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()));
and LocaleContextHolder.getLocale() is equal 'fr_FR', but the problem continue.
I have a problem with my resource bundle. For retrieve my messages I do the following:
and I use it in an exception like that:
In the method getMessage I have defined a string default
In mode debug I can see that username(args to substitute in string ) is not null and in my the value of code DigestAuthenticationFilter.usernameNotFound it's ok.
But, when the exception is throw, in my jsp the text in not correctly written: , the args is not replace the argument.
If I spell a wrong code String, the default string is used and the message is correctly written in my JSP. if username equals to TOTO.