This week's book giveaway is in the Programmer Certification forum.
We're giving away four copies of OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-830 and have Jeanne Boyarsky & Scott Selikoff on-line!
See this thread for details.

Dipti Mogare

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since Jan 17, 2012
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Actually i was having one java enterprise application source code. Using build.xml i got the zip file. But modifying the build.xml of source code to get .ear is not working.
12 years ago
Hi rahul,

Which maven plugin I can use to create .ear.
Because I am having bin,server,doc,sql folder in the zip file.
bin folder contains exe and batch files. server contains server/default/deploy and sql contains database related queries.
And the ear file structure should ideally having META-INF folder, then war and ejbs.
So how to create all that?
12 years ago
I am having a zip file. Zip file is actually binary of the application. Zip file contains folders bin,doc,server,sql. I want to create .ear file from zip file.
.ear file created should be having all folder structure of .ear file i.e. META-INF, application.xml
So how to create .ear file from zip file, so that .ear file can be deployed on JBoss Application server.
12 years ago
Download zip file apache-maven-3.0.4-bin. You can choose the latest version. Set the environment variable MAVEN_HOME to apache-maven-3.0.4-bin directory. create " .m2 " folder and inside .m2 folder, create one more folder called repository. In apache-maven-3.0.4-bin folder there will be conf folder. Conf folder will be having settings.xml file. Copy that settings.xml file to " .m2" folder. Modify the settings.xml in .m2 for proxy settings. set the environment variable M2_REPOS to " .m2 " folder. Run the mvn --version command from command prompt to check whether maven installation from zip file is correct or not.
12 years ago
I have built the java enterprise project called dcm4chee from its source code. I have used source-code from
But after building the project i got zip file as output. I have to create war and ear file from that zip file.
I have searched on google. Just changing .zip extension to .war is not working.
So please give me the solution for this.
12 years ago
Hi jeff.
I found the solution for above problem. I just removed jre from build path and again added the same jre. And an error was removed.
12 years ago
I am using the import javax.activation.DataHandler.
And from this import using storeDocument() method.
I am getting access restriction error in import javax.activation.DataHandler statement.
And i am running this program as stand alone application in Eclipse IDE. Error is coming at the compile time.
And error message is access to jre/lib/rt.jar is restricted. I have added jre6 in build path.
12 years ago
I am using javax.activation.DataHandler class from rt.jar file in my program. But it is giving me error as access restriction. Error is access to jre/lib/rt.jar is restricted. So please suggest me solution for this problem.
12 years ago
Hi, I have downloaded source code of one application from The application source code consists of 6 inbuilt java projects which are linked to each other. The source code consist of some ejb and servlet/jsp related code. I have to deploy entire application consisting of 6 projects on jboss application server. So how to combine all 6 projects as single application and how to create deployable war file of it ? I am using Eclipse JEE Helios.