Geeta Puttappanavar

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Recent posts by Geeta Puttappanavar

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:When I run that, I got an error because this isn't defined.

It should be

I don't get BigNumber not defined though. Maybe your proxy blocks github? Try downloading the file locally and referencing it from the same directory.

Hi Jeanna,
Thanks a lot for the help.
This is resolved. I downloaded big.js from, added to my html and used as follows:

which is giving me the right answer.


Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Getta,
It works with BigNumber on github. Here's a fiddle showing your example

Dear Jeanne,
Thank you so much for teh reply. I tried like this:

But getting :
Uncaught ReferenceError: BigNumber is not defined error.
I tried this as well:
I got the same error.

Request you to suggest on this.

Geeta Puttappanavar
Hi All,

I am facing an issue while calulating 2 big decimal number in js.

values are:
999999999999998.99*10823.6399258 = 10823639925799990000 ---> js output
999999999999998.99*10823.6399258 = 10823639925799989068.123674942 --> actual output

I tired js libraries like Big.js, bigdecimal.js from but of no use.

Kindly suggest, how to multiply these big numbers.


g tsuji wrote:From all angle, the schema set is defective.

Before any consideration of customization :
[1] if you mean an xml instance look like this,

then you change this.

[2] If you mean an xml instance look like this,

then change the imported xsd.

Thanks a lot tsuji,
thats really helped me.
1st approach worked for me.
2nd approach also I tried but at

I am getting compile time error.

Thanks again,
Keep helping.
Hi all,

I have a requirement to import EXEC.xsd (which is child xsd) in NewAMOCORE.xsd (which is parent xsd) then to generate the java classes using xjc. I used binding.xjb. Even I tried catalog but I am not at all getting the solution.
Here is my code:

the command which i ran :

I got this error: cannot resolve the exec:EXECENTRY

What s the wrong? Is there any other approach to generate the java classes?

Thanks in Advance,

Mark Spritzler wrote:Looks like a good message to me. Why would you care if someone puts that in the URL and makes the error message display. It isn't like it gives them some secret way into your site.


Hi All,

I want to validate the form in spring security (displaying not empty, size related errors in login.jsp which we achieve it by @valid in spring MVC).

Can any of you please guide me how to achieve this?

Here I am using j_username and j_password spring security property in login.jsp.

Thanks in advance,
10 years ago

Geeta Puttappanavar wrote:

vineet kaushik wrote:Correct Mark,

Thanks for sharing your knowledge..


Hi all,

I have 2 classes (Role and User) and I want to create 1 row mapper class for both classes.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance,

Resolved. Spring provides BeanPropertyRowMapper class. By using this we can achive.
10 years ago

vineet kaushik wrote:Correct Mark,

Thanks for sharing your knowledge..


Hi all,

I have 2 classes (Role and User) and I want to create 1 row mapper class for both classes.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance,
10 years ago

Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:Geeta,
UserDetails is an interface provided by spring, see this
What we should do is, implement this interface, and set the password, see the interface, it has methods to set username, password and role(authorities) and other options like accountExpired and so on.

The arg0 gives us the username in the above method, use this username and populate the password and role(authorities) for this user.
Yes, the password here should be the one, which user enters while logging in. You can get it from database or hardcode it, it's up to you.

P:S: This is an old post, if you still have any problem, please create a new thread, we can see that from there.

Thanks Prasad, I got it done.
10 years ago

Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:

In the above, the Parameter arg0, is the username entered by the user, you can execute the query to search from the database using this username, and you can return an User object, by adding all the required details like password and roles for this user, Spring security will take it on from here..


Here you are mentioning to pass the password. Which password I should pass? And if I pass "password" (hard coded) this password will be authenticated with password entered by user? Actually in user object I should pass the password from data base where user_name = username. ??

Can you please explain in detail???
10 years ago

Tim McGuire wrote:JAAS is one of the authentication providers that Spring can use. Note that JAAS works at a lower level than web-application. It has hooks (if that is the right term) into the application server and operating system. Spring Security works in the application layer. It has its own authentication API that is very good and does not need to use JAAS. Often an existing JAAS provider is used when Spring security is implemented. In most cases, a new project would not be enhanced by using JAAS.

Spring Security based on ACEGI and ACEGI vs JAAS was covered:

Thanks alot for the response Tim. As of now I am implementing Spring Security.

Can you please help me to write customized UserDetailsService.

1. I should implement UserDetailsService by some separate service class or by Dao class to give implementation for loadUserByUsername method?
2. In loadUserByUsername() method we provide only the user name and where to provide password?
ex in below code I am not providing the password.

How the spring comes to know about the credentials?
Request you to explain with ex.

10 years ago
Hi All,

In my project I got a requirement to implement security and the project is using spring.

But I am confused between JAAS and spring.

Can any of you help me please to clear these confusions?

1. What are the differences between spring security and JAAS security?

2. To achieve the security is it necessary to use JAAS in spring or spring provides some API to implement the authentication and authorization?

3. If the answer is yes to use JAAS with spring , then we can authenticate the user as follow:

Returs true;
Return false
Without JAAS.
Then Why to use JAAS? What are the advantages of using it?

Thanks in advance
10 years ago
Can any of you help me please?
11 years ago

I too have the same requirement to upload a file, from which a graph will be generated(garph image will be saved in web content/image folder) and I need to display the image to user.

My problem is that for different files the graphs are generating and everything is working fine locally. But when I try using IP address, the image is not displaying (X mark displaying). When I refresh the image folder then the image is getting displayed.

Thanks in advance,
11 years ago
Hi Amit,

Thank you. Now its working
11 years ago