Rahul Bhalla

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since Jan 28, 2012
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Recent posts by Rahul Bhalla

Thanks for help me Carles Gasques and coderanch
I need one more help from you (Carles Gasques)
Is it possible to provide me a good source (which you strongly recommend )to learn LDAP
Thanks once give
10 years ago
Hi Carles Gasques
Thank you for the so quick suggestion
my schema looks like this

As i authenticate the login page with help of hiven

i am able to get the value of title using below statement

but i want to that just i login through the mail id and get value of the title
10 years ago
Hi Carles Gasques
First of thnks for the reply
I have valid connection through which i am able login but donot know to reach cn="user" and in that i have to find out for title of that user
10 years ago
Hi every one
i am creating a login page in user enter there id and password so that he or she get authenticate
which is done by using

but now i want to retrive user name and title from ldap but how can i do that because i am not aware of LDAP structure or attribute
Hope for the reply
10 years ago
sorry for this post
i moved this post to LDAP section
if possible please tell how can i delete this post
i learned jsp and servlet, now want to learn springs. for the same purpose i need some kind of example and with that i want to develop a project so that not i get spring knowledge but also i can real time development which helps i future.
please suggest some site which cover all topics with examples and some suggest a project

thank you
11 years ago
copying the sources into the lib folder you need the classes
Thanks for solving my problem
11 years ago
Today I start Learning Spring3 and tried to build a hello spring program for that [b] I start using STS(Spring tool Suite) as IDE and library which i paste under lib folder under web content is [/b]

.[b]but i found give error[/b]
"The import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller cannot be resolved"
"The import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView cannot be resolved"
"The import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping cannot be resolved".

please Suggest me what is wrong ???
Thanks for your Consideration
11 years ago
Thanks Mohana for the reply
I found problem as it need to change setter from setLogoName to set setLogoFileName
11 years ago
by mistake i put my problem on jsp forum sorry for that .if you able to help please post your reply on given link
11 years ago
Hello Every one
I m new Struts 2 and i m trying to upload a image on server with the help of struts 2 but i was unable to do that i m pasting my code here ..
please tell where i m wrong

here is my action class

my beans class is

now my jsp from where i set my bean

my property file


when i deploy my application i got nullpointerexception and on line number 28 of the action class i found it prints null on server
please suggest me what can i do...
thanking you
11 years ago
Hello Every one
I m new Struts 2 and i m trying to upload a image on server with the help of struts 2 but i was unable to do that i m pasting my code here ..
please tell where i m wrong

here is my action class

my beans class is

now my jsp from where i set my bean

my property file


when i deploy my application i got nullpointerexception and on line number 28 of the action class i found it prints null on server
please suggest me what can i do...
thanking you
11 years ago
you are right, there is a spelling mistake now my program runs
Hello rancher
In my application after getting the statement object i try to execute give comand

but on server i found given exception
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'taskproject.adminregisteration' doesn't exist
please also tell if table is empty then what happen after executing above command
thnks for yourr reply
here is the code

whenever i access the execute method from the above class its run but if execute the same code from other action class it will not execute.it shows userNamee is null hence an exception occur
here is m bean class

one thing i also want to add is that my both action class in one package where as bean in other package
12 years ago