Mary Murphy

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since Feb 02, 2012
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i am thinking of doing the OCPJP 6 exam, but looking on amazon for books for OCPJP there only seems to be the practice exams, no study guide,

should i just go ahead and get the SCJP study guide (i all ready have my headfirstjava book)

thank you !

however i have only just realised the reason it wasn't working was because i only had system.out statements in it, by putting a JOptionpane i was able to see that double clicking works.

i feel fairly silly as i wasted loads of time trying to work out what was wrong!
12 years ago

i've created a jar file, it runs from the command line but when i double click on it , it won't run.
what can i do? how do i find out whats wrong?

12 years ago