Juanjo Bazan

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since Feb 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Juanjo Bazan

Before the request reaches the servlet associated to that url, it goes through all the filters chain.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Olexiy Prokhorenko:

You are grouping by a table. Try grouping by a column, something like: "group by r.recId"


Originally posted by hitu solanki:
What we can write in the web.xml file.

For a complete list of what you can use the web.xml for I recommend you to check the servlet specification. You can download it from java.sun.com download page.
The web.xml is described in the chapter 13 of the servlet 2.4 spec.
Juanjo Bazan
19 years ago

Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
tools like retroweaver take your 1.5 compliant Java source and transpile it into 1.4 compliant Java code. This can then be offered to a 1.4 compiler.
I don't know how effective they are, I can imagine some areas where transpilation can be extremely difficult if not impossible.

Probably that kind of tools depends on the new features of Tiger you are using. If we are talking about generics or autoboxing I think the conversion may be posible, even "just" :roll: recoding / refactoring.
But if you are using Tiger's new packages and advanced classes I would not expect your code to be converted to something 1.4 compilable.
19 years ago
Check this old thread:
waiting screen

20 years ago

1) How can i release the acquired resources like database connection, handles to other resources etc, when the servelet timeouts.

You can associate a HttpSessionListener. This class is in the javax.servlet.http package and it has a method sessionDestroyed.

2) Also how can i change the session-timeouts?

Do it in your deployment descriptor file:
add this to your web.xml to set the session timeout to 30 minutes:

20 years ago
If you don't know where to start, I would resume it in one point:
VALIDATE ALL YOUR INPUTS: check every parameter from GET/POST HTML forms, from URLs, and check that everything you send to the database has not malicious characters.
20 years ago
The Java & J2EE Book of the McGraw Hill/Osborne Hacking Exposed series is a good resource.
Here is the book's website
20 years ago
Here you have a great API for encryption, and they provide code examples:
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle
20 years ago

Originally posted by sunitha raghu:
I tried that. ie why i asked the que. It wont work.

I wont work?
I have it working on production enviroment.
Check your code or tell as what exception are you getting.
Using the /servlet/ pattern means you want to use the invoker servlet which probably is disabled by default in your server(check the web.xml of the server's configuration).
20 years ago
Use the setIconImage(Image i) method of the Frame (or JFrame) class:

20 years ago
My question is about the relation between the two Commons project:
when can you expect a component to go from the Sandbox to the Proper part? at advanced beta stage or later?
It's possible to have a reliable component enough tested in the Proper but not jumping to the Sandbox just because it is not used in any other big jakarta project??
Using Jakarta Commons FileUpload you can also process any other input field value in a multipart request. Just use the isFormField() method of the FileItem class.
Try this:

The right way to do it:
20 years ago