See the bottom right of the above image: the company is an AppDev reseller. For what it's worth: a few years ago the company I worked for provided AppDev courses in ASP.NET. I went through the first dozen or so modules and thought they were very good. (I never put that training to use in a significant way, but that's a whole 'nother story).
Compare the course outlines from LearnNowJava and AppDev, it looks like the training is the same:
Obviously the LearnNowJava price is far lower. I believe the reason is found in the
LearnNow FAQ: with LNJ you have to pay extra for features such as sample code and hands-on exercises, whereas paying the full price to AppDev gets you the entire package. That said: even though I had access to those extra features in the ASP.NET training, I rarely used them.
Overall: if my observations are sound, then I think the LearnJavaNow package is a very good deal, and I might well subscribe myself... after spending time at the Cattle Drive (I plan to begin this week!) I have no experience with the JPassion training.