Rajat Nayer

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since Feb 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Rajat Nayer

I need to setup a 24 X 7 Weblogic setup having:

- A web farm consisting of 2 instances of WLS on 2 diff m/c hosting web app. components.
- An App farm consisting of 2 instances of WLS on 2 diff m/c hosting app components.
- a s/w load balancer(proxy)
- Admin server on a diff machine, which monitors all the machines.

1. Are there any guidelines available for this kind of set up (in terms of any special configs/ basic lookout points/special configs. etc.).
2. How to monitor the health of the setup so that it is highly available and the admin is forewarned and takes necessary actions to make it available 24 X 7.
3. In case the system becomes unavailable, what all to be checked to determine the cause and take the corrective action.

I guess these are a very typical set of questions for any standard WL Clustered environment.

Would request the admins of such setup to englighten me on these aspects and any refernces (books, URLs) would be very helpful.

20 years ago
Would it help if the code checked for null before doing any operations that lead it to failure just to make sure that the object refernces are retained and are not lost.

20 years ago
Heard a lot of flak on Entity bean usage. Why is it so . Have never got very clear answers. Could someone list the reasons of why and in what scenarios is it not ok to move forward the Entity Beans way.

Nick, Thanks for the quick reply post.

Cud u pls guide me to a tutorial/document that describe these approaches and then go down to API/Code level for sample refernce implementations.

I am very new to the world of mobile computing, although i have been using a cell phone for last 6 months or so

Will appreciate a guide map to help me on in the learning curve.

Just one more point, I want to use something freely available/downloadable on the net.

I have a J2EE appln. I want to enable the application for SMS request/response. What are the options to implenment this solution?
Please help.
Hi Authors,

Does the book talk about the transition of J2EE across versions and the key components/driving forces to move on to these versions.

That seems like a very obvious chapter to have in the "big picture" orientation of the book.

Please enlighten me.

Hi Chris,
Thanks for the doc.
21 years ago
I am unable to get the pdf. Would it be possible for you to mail it across to me at : rajat_nayer@rediffmail.com
I really appreciate the help.
Thanks and regds
21 years ago
Hi Chris,
I will certainly look at the pdf available there.( i am currently unable to get to that becoz of extremely slow connection currently.)
However, from the look of it, it appears to be for Weblogic 7.1. But i have Weblogic 6.1.
Please help.
21 years ago
I have Weblogic server 6.1 SP4. I need to create MDBs to process data received from MQSeries.
I am a newbie to this environment.
Can anyone guide me to achieve this. I need help on setup, config , MDB development etc.
Thanks in advance,
21 years ago
what are the other options.
21 years ago
I am a newbie to struts.
I want to validate my undertsanding of the basic
Struts framework viz a viz the VO issue that i will explain thereafter.
My understanding of the flow using struts and EJB is as follows:
Browser -> ActionServlet -> populates FormBean and
instantiates the Action Class (based on
struts-config.xml entries)->calls EJB-> calls DAO->accesses DB.
The DAO creates a VO that is passed back to the EJB which in turn passes it back to the Action class.
Now, How is this VO data used by the next view (JSP)defined. What is the mechanism?
For eample, in page1.html I have an id which is passed all the way to the DAO. The DAO fetches the data from the DB based on this ID and returns a collection (maybe a vector of objects/resultset).
Now how does the next page i.e. the DetailPage.jsp get this data and how to use this to show it in a tabular form.
I know it is a very basic question.. would appreciate an easy to understand(newbie context) answer.
Thanks in advance,
21 years ago
I am trying to invoke an EJB from the Action class. However, the perform method is not called - the println's do not show up on the server console nor is any error thrown.
---------<<<<Struts-config.xml Entry>>>>-------------
<!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ================= -->
<form-bean name="submitForm"
<!-- ========== Action Mapping Definitions ============ -->
<action path="/submit"
<forward name="success" path="/submit.jsp"/>
<forward name="failure" path="/submit.jsp"/>

-------<<<Action class's perform method>>>-------
public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)throws IOException, ServletException {
System.out.println("perform called !!!");
SubmitForm f = (SubmitForm) form; // get the form bean
// and take the last name value
String lastName = f.getLastName();
// Translate the name to upper case
//and save it in the request object
request.setAttribute("lastName", lastName.toUpperCase());

/***** Calling EJB ***************************/
String op="";
try {
System.out.println("getting initial context");
Context ctx = getInitialContext();
System.out.println("initial context got !!");
DemoHome home = (DemoHome) ctx.lookup("Demo");
System.out.println("home got !!");
Demo ac = null;
try {
ac = (Demo) home.create();
System.out.println("create called!!");
if (ac==null)
System.out.println("ac is null!");
catch (Exception ee) {
System.out.print("exception 1");
System.out.println("going to call method!");
if (ac!= null)
op = ac.demoSelect();
System.out.println("ac is null->error!!");
//out.println("string got!!");
catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("error 2");
// Forward control to the specified success target
return (mapping.findForward("success"));
What is wrong???
21 years ago
Just continuing with the topic....
Having been able to call a demo EJB from a JSP( with help from this forum), I now need to use the Struts framework with Weblogic 6.0 , 7.0. I guess Struts 1.0.3 is a stable version which i should use(->comments?).
Could anyone guide me with the steps to setup struts with WL 6.0, 7.0 and test the setup.
21 years ago
Yeah Chris, It turned out that the code i had copied from a tutorial was using getEnvironment() method which has since been deprecated.
Thanx for the help.
21 years ago