Mike Neumann

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since Apr 19, 2012
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Recent posts by Mike Neumann

It took a little longer due to some technical difficulties but Java-8 is finally completed (and got a brand new, shiny moosehead, too).
Moving on to OOP now, assignment to follow.
12 years ago
Just a thought - I would have found it helpful to know that my submission (initial or subsequent) had indeed been received for nitpicking, perhaps even with an approximate timeframe for the response. That way I don't have to wonder whether it got lost on the way when there is still no response after several days. Like I said, just an idea.
12 years ago
Thanks, I'll resubmit. That's just as well, asI discovered that my assignment had a (dare I say it?)... BUG [gasp!]
12 years ago
Submitted the first assignment for Java-4b (Say) about a week ago but had no nitpick as yet. What is a reasonable amount of time to wait before presuming it lost somewhere? And, not knowing Java Ranch's internals, should I simply re-submit it with a comment or wait for confirmation? Unless, of course, the code is sooo bad that no one wants to touch it!
12 years ago
All so true. I just came across this passage in the Oracle Java Tutorial under Primitive Data Types :

As with byte, the same guidelines apply: you can use a short to save memory in large arrays, in situations where the memory savings actually matters. [my underline]

Which goes to show (again) that reading the documentation does help...
12 years ago
That makes sense. Thanks for saving me from yet another smack on the head in the Cattle Drive.
And so I always remember, I shall loop a hundred times "I shall not be evil by prematurely optimizing."
12 years ago
From the sample code that I have seen here at the Ranch, I get the impression that only int are used for integer values. To me this seems like waste of system resources - like writing bloat-ware. I know that the hardware can handle it but still... I only need to think of how long it takes the newest version of my text editor (UltraEdit) to load, compared to a few years ago when it was a smaller program. Anyway, I am curious: Would declaring bytes or shorts in an assignment give cause for another nitpick?
12 years ago