Minu Sam

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since Apr 26, 2012
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Recent posts by Minu Sam

Actual exam is really very easy i wrote my exam yesterday and scored 91%.i was being tested on really easy stuff but from what i remember many problems were related to overriding, instanceof operator so if you get basics good..you should be good to go.I remember when i wrote my 1st practice test from KB book..i scored 39% and i was so upset.but as you keep doing test you realize where to look for weakness and then you gradually improve.
I do not know the fees in India..but here in US i paid $300.
I had about 150 mins to finish 60 questions.
12 years ago
I wrote my test today(May 14th 2012) No drag and drop questions

I cleared SCJP with 91%...thanks to all the members!!!If i can help anyone in any way let me know.
I studied for 3 months ..did enthuware test..i was averaging about 65% but actual test was very easy!

12 years ago

can someone explain me why line 2 wont compile.
If line 1 works fine..even line 2 should work right??

Line1 compiles fine.

Appreciate your response, however can you please explain what you mean by lower bounds?I still dont understand
I am having hard time understanding generics.
Could someone explain why line 2 compilation fails.??

Assuming Dog extends Animal
Please see code below

I had a question since in the static method there is no this reference.I should not be even able to have a reference type of Engine.
It doesnt give a compilation error.However if i try to instantiate as in

it gives compilation error which makes sense.But why would the first case compile.I was thinking that i always need to access the inner class from a static method as OuterClassName.InnerClassMName, isnt that true?

Question 2:

I am trying to download examlab scjp 6 test , however i keep getting error file not found.Would appreciate if someone could help me.

Please look below:I have question why is the last line( arr2 = (int[])o1; ) in the code..not a compile time error rather it is a runtime error.

Will appreciate any input.
Hi All

I am preparing for my Java certification.I came across a question which i did not understand so thought would discuss with members.

Say i have the method

Line 1 causes compiler error since it treats parameter in Line 1 as an integer and cannot narrow it to byte which i understand.
Now on Line 2 i am returning 1 which i thought should be treated like an integer and the compiler should complain about not being able to typecast to the return type short.

Can someone explain me??