pradeep tiwari

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since May 23, 2012
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thanks for your immediate response nitesh
below is the environment info
os- windows server -2003
java-version - 1.6
web server -resin 4
ssl over Apache httpclient 3.0

11 years ago
hi Nitesh very very big thanks for your reply

i am getting lots of connection timeout also

out of 3 lakhs request/day i am getting 50000-60000 connection timeout and around 40000 connection refused
the networking guys are blaming to application that application has issues ,as a developer every resource is properly opened and closed but still cant understand where is the issue
immediately after switching to different ISP i used to get no connection timeout and connection refused

is this is problem is related to server backlog queue?
11 years ago
hi ,i m in big trouble m getting connection refused connect while using ssl over apache http client .
after every 4-5 successfull request ,i m getting socket exception when i change my default ip then it runs properly for 2-3 hours without any socket exception
so as a result i have to change my default ip after every 3 hours which is very improper task . m not able to find out that whether the issue is at server side or my client side
because after changing my ip its starts behaving immediately normal ,and m releasing the connection also properly

below is the code

thanks for your interest in this post -_-

11 years ago