@Ranganathan -
Thanks we are planning to use JAXB as one of my coleague also told me it will be good to use. SO mostly we will use JAXB for XML read write.
It will be highly appreciated if you can provide some links to the tutorials.
Also are there any point where I can look out for perfomrance improvement as we have got time of 3 sec to fetch the xml data from two sources and then combine them and show it in UI.
And out of this 2 files one file will be having huge amount of data.
@Ulf -
Thanks for quick reply,
I am expecting some thing like Struts which provide basic skeleton of separation of layers presentation , business and database.
so Like this is it possible to implement in Swing application.
Is there any framework which provides basic skeleton.
Are there any Spirng features, which can be used in development of such application?
Thanks for your qick attention !