Ramzi Hajaj

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since Aug 19, 2012
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Recent posts by Ramzi Hajaj

Hey Guys

I'm creating a memory game and i'm trying to figure out the best way to store system settings so that the settings are saved after the program has been exited?

Has anyone got any ideas on this? Obviously there are some options that come to mind, e.g storing to file, storing in database,

Thanks for help
12 years ago
Yeah i have done that but it does not produce the desired effect. The function that is being called produces a jframe object which requires user interaction. so essentially i get two jframes, instead of the desired one jframe, wait for interaction then the other jframe?

When creating a jframe object is a new thread of execution created?
12 years ago
Hey guys

I am just trying to figure out the best way to make one function wait for another e.g

Given this code what would be the best way to make the second call to selectcues wait until the first call has run its course? Is there anyway to do this?

Thanks alot
12 years ago

Atm i have:

1. a class consisting of j-frame that is constructed by feeding in parameters.

2,These parameters change throughout the program.

3.This change occurs after a user response (comes through button click).

4. The GUI layout is always the same.

How do i refresh the object with new parameters without destroying it and creating a new one?

Basically the problem is that i need to refresh from the button click but this GUI class has no information?
12 years ago
That is sick! Cheers man will sort this madness out.
12 years ago
I am trying work a combobox with an array of objects. Im passing the in the combobox constructor but its coming up with what i think is the address of the object within the elements of the array. Is there anyway to get it to printout the local variables within each objects?

here is code:

returnplayers() returns an array of player objects. I just want to displaye their names instead of "Domain.Player@2f729e" which is what i am getting atm in the combobox.

12 years ago
i have resolved this. No worries!!!
12 years ago
Hello everyone

I am having a simple error. I want to create a jframe to say a player already exists and have created a class in its own right. I am new to swing, so am not even sure if this is the right thing to do? Anyway there is an error when i try to create a new object and i cant for the life of me figure out what it is?

The error occurs in the else fragment. Thanks.
12 years ago

You make a very grizzly point. I will alter as you have suggested.
Thanks a lot. I added column names and it worked fine.

I'm loving this JDBC business.

Ok thanks thats good to know. Nnow its saying

Caught SQL Exception - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

One of the values is an auto increment value but i have left that out as thought that was correct. Is this what is causing this exception?

Thanks for your help
Hey guys

Am new to JDBC and am having some problems inserting into a table using variables. I am inserting into a table Players(PlayerID, firstname, surname, attempts). Player ID is autoincrement.

Here is the code:

Can anyone see where i am going wrong? Apparently i have an error in my sql syntax.
