Vic Newman

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since Mar 01, 2002
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Recent posts by Vic Newman

Thanks for your input Tim.
18 years ago
I am passing paramters on my url as follows. http://ippc1/address/main.faces?id=999

My main.faces page has no backing bean. It is only a page with menu links. Is there a way to create a session bean on a page like this, a page with no bindings? I would like to create a session bean that would hold the id passed on the url. I need to retain the id=999 for use throughout the application. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

18 years ago
I am having a problem with the tomahawk navigationMenuItm component. When I run the app and click the menu item I get a javascript error getscrolling() not found. The javascript method is not there. I have looked at some sample apps on the web that implement navigationMenuItem and the getscrolling() javascript method is present. My question is as follows. Is the getscrolling() javascript method automatically generated by the navigationMenuItem or do I need to include it myself? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

18 years ago
Does it make sense to write a form based database web app using portal\portlet technology? Is there any criteria that should be used in deciding whether the app should be a plain old web app or a portal\portlet app?

18 years ago
Thanks Bear
18 years ago
Is there a way to have a beans values automatically popluated from a jsp page or is request.getParameter("xxx") the only way. For example I have a page with 3 fields. name, city and state. I have a bean with name, city and state. When the page is submitted to the servlet I would like the bean values for name, city and state to be populated. Is that possible or do you have to use getParameter("name"), getParameter("city") and getParameter("state") ni the servlet to retrieve the values and set in the bean.

would <jsp:setProperty name="beanname" property="*"/> automatically set the variables.

18 years ago
Never mind folks. As soon as you post a silly question you find the answer yourself. Missing tag lib in web.xml. arggggggggggghhhhhhh! I'm out!
18 years ago
I am using tomcat 5.5 and jstl 1.1 (2.0). I am having a problem with the following code

<jsp:useBean id="values" type="java.util.List" scope="request"/>

<title> title goes here</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<table width="100%" border="0" class="fieldlabel">
<tr> Cruise lines </tr>

<c:forEach items="${values}" var="value" varStatus="status">
<c:if test="${status.first}"> first </c:if>
<c:if test="${status.last}"> last </c:if>
<tr><td>zz<c:out value="${value}" default="no value available"/></tr></td>

<c:forTokens items="a;b;c;d" delims=";" var="current">
<tr><td><c:out value="${current}"/></td></tr>


Nothing prints for c:forEach of c:forTokens

when I do a view source when the jsp is rendered in the browser I see the following:

<table width="100%" border="0" class="fieldlabel">
<tr> Cruise lines </tr>

<c:forEach items="[one, two, three]" var="value" varStatus="status">
<c:if test=""> first </c:if>
<c:if test=""> last </c:if>
<tr><td>zz<c:out value="" default="no value available"/></tr></td>

<c:forTokens items="a;b;c;d" delims=";" var="current">
<tr><td><c:out value=""/></td></tr>


I see the values in the items but they do not print. What stupid thing am i doing wrong?

18 years ago
When using the Oracle jdbc thin driver and you want to implement statement caching what formula do you use in determining the size of the cache? How does it relate to the number of connections allocated for your connection pool. Also, are ther any Oracle system settings you must pay close attention to when enabling statement caching? Fr example max_cursors?

JBOSS comes with 3 servers defined. default, all and minimal. Can you define additional servers?

19 years ago
I am trying to set up Tomcat 5 and IIS 5. The ISAPI filter is registered correctly in IIS, by that I mean the arrow is green indicating successful installation. I have the and set up using ajp13. When I issue the netstat command I can see port listening.

error during tomcat startup.
INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jkjni in java.library.path.

Does there have to be some specific settings for jni. All the documents I read about this error is specific to integration with Apache. I am really missing the boat on something.

[ June 07, 2005: Message edited by: Vic Newman ]
19 years ago
I was able to solve the problem. In order to get the data displayed as 3 per column, like

red brown black
green blue purple

I used the following code.

<xsl:for-each select=".|following-sibling::Color[1]|

Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the reply but I am still encountering the same problem. The following code

<xsl:if position() mod n=0 or position()==last()></tr></xsl:if>

is not considered well formed because of the </tr> by itself.

Whenever I try and write html output in an if or when statement it has to be well formed. All <tr> must have matching </tr> in same statement of it will complain of not being well formed.

I am really missing the boat on something. All I am trying to do is build a row with 3 columns of data.

brown red purple
black green white

The input is coming in like
<color> brown </color>
<color> red </color>
<color> purple </color>
<color> black </color>
<color> green </color>
<color> white </color>

I am iterating over my data with <xsl:for-each select="Colors">

My current code looks like so.

<xsl:for-each select="/Colors">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>

my output looks like


I would like my output to look like this.

purple red orange
black green pink
brown blue yellow

Any pointers on how to accomplish this. Is there a way to load the data in
some type of array structure and loop over the data or a way to tell the <xsl:value-of select="."/> to move to the next piece of data?
