changu mani

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since Aug 31, 2012
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Recent posts by changu mani

@Steve..Ok. I got your point. I just go ahead with storing in collection. Thanks for your inputs.
10 years ago

My plan is to process the file completely and add it to collection and then show only 10-20 errors to customers since it will be difficult to show all errors on screen at once. I'm thinking if storing in collection may create some problem with the performance.
10 years ago
@Steve Thanks for the reply. What if I'll have to record some 100 errors at once? Is storing in a collection recommended? Will it not hog the memory?

Can there be any other better solution in case if I've to show more than 50-100 errors?
10 years ago
Dear All,

I've a problem and I need your help. Our Bank's customers don't want to use payroll file upload functionality just because it doesn't show all the errors at once. For eg : the below mentioned record is a credit record in payroll upload file. In our current application, if the user enters a wrong account , the app throws 'wrong credit account' to the customer. Once the customer corrects it and then try to upload again, the next error will be shown if there are any. So the customer is not happy with this, since he has to try many times to get rid of all the errors.( we have shared the format of the payroll file but still bank customers are facing difficulty to get adjusted with the format.They make a lot of mistakes in the file upload.Bank wants something more sophisticated for customers.)


I've been asked to improve this functionality by throwing all the errors at once. For eg : Process all records at once (even if there are 100-500) and show all the errors to customer at once. How do I go about doing this?

I'm validating each and every record. I'm not getting idea how to store and where to store all these errors. What is the best solution? I've even told the client that we may show only the first 10 errors and when the customers correct the first 10 and upload again, we can show the next ten errors if there are any.

Please let me know the best way to handle this requirement keeping in mind that this is a banking application. Please revert if you haven't got any details.

Thanks in advance.
10 years ago
You should have a 'doPrint' method in your class A with the same signature as that present in Class B.(access modifier can be same or more restrictive in class A's doPrint).That would help to get rid of compile time error. At run-time, your class B's doPrint operation will be invoked. This concept is called overriding.
10 years ago
I can't take it unless my employer sponsors. Education has become business.
Dear All,
I'm happy to say that I cleared OCEWCD today. Enthuware Simply Rocks. A big thanks to Enthuware team.

Important tips:
1) Head First JSP & Servlets book
2) Servlet 3.0 Specifications
3) Niko's Mock
4) ENTHUWARE - Very helpful to understand the concepts clearly.
5) Read Forums like this.

11 years ago
Dear All,
I'm facing an issue. We have a text box in a JSP, where user enters and it got a limit of only 15 characters. When user types in applemango>>> we validate the same in a bean method.

Somehow in bean it goes as appleapple & gt; & gt; and crosses the limit of 15 characters and throws an error. How do I solve this issue? Requesting your inputs. How do I Unescape those HTML entities in bean method to HTML characters ? or is there anyway to make it not get escaped to HTML entities when reaching the bean method?

Please suggest.

Thanks in Advance
11 years ago
Dear All,
I would like to thank all the people for sharing their knowledge on this excellent forum . This was very helpful in improving my knowledge and clear SCJP6.

Thanks Again!
11 years ago
Dear All,
I need your advice on how to go about solving the below mentioned issue.
We have an E-Banking application.
Issue :

Customer clicks on E-Banking URL and enters neither userid nor pwd. He lets it idle for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, if he tries to login through the same page, the page gets expired. What could be the possible reasons for this issue? I'm not sure what needs to be checked here since it just happens on click of submit on Login URL if it is idle for more than 20 minutes.

Do I need to check at websphere(settings) or browser level or dig into application code?

Please help

Thanks in Advance!
11 years ago
During compile time, compiler is not aware of what kind of object ob is pointing to. So it is necessary to do external casting.
Do this way, the compiler error goes away.

Sub ob1= (Sub)ob;
Abc ob2=(Abc)ob;
11 years ago
Hi Kar ja,
If you are just looking to get rid of Exception, please add isEmpty() in your loop.

11 years ago
Most Applications are not simple enough. It is difficult to ensure that inputs go correct all the time.
11 years ago
Yes Johnny. It should go inside second for loop since that is where you are getting the exception.
11 years ago