upanshu vaid

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 07, 2012
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Recent posts by upanshu vaid

How to populate a table dynamically base on the dropdown selection in struts2
8 years ago
Can anyone from ranch reply .
8 years ago
As java Jdk support writing output stream to a plain text file.
My requirement is that I have a byte array outputstream now how to write that to a pdf file through coding.
8 years ago
Thanks for the reply
Please help me to resolve my query
The requirements that I want to implement in Java
1-I am reading email from IMAP Email server .
2-there is a utility which is written using core Java and Java mail api.
3-I have to read the emails that are on IMAP server.
4- the email body which can have normal text, image,table, html etc.
5- problem I am facing is that I am not able to convert the email body to pdf or word doc.
Kindly help as I am not found the right solution for long time.

8 years ago
The requirements that I want to implement in Java
1-Client sends mail using outlook to IMAP Email server .
2-there is a utility which is written using core Java and Java mail api.
3-I have to read the emails that are on IMAP server.
4- the email body which can have normal text, image,table, html etc.
5- problem I am facing is that I am not able to convert the email body to pdf or word doc.
Kindly help as I am not found the right solution for long time.
8 years ago
Thanks for your reply ,
I have simply written to a file.
8 years ago
Hi,the issue is that there is byte array output stream object which contains the content of email body ,email
Body can have any type of content like text, html, url link, image etc . When I am writing this content in word document using output stream object
The content is not there and getting the message can't open the file because of bad content.

1)how to write the content of byte array output stream object so that the content is there in file .

8 years ago
Thanks Paul ,
My concern is that file conversion API in java should be open source and commercially to use.

please help me out in suggesting the free API for conversion of html to word using java .

8 years ago
I am creating a java mail based application .
Requirements are:
1.read the email body in what ever format the email body is .
2.convert the email body to word doc.
3.which java api should I use for converting email to word doc .
4.java api should be free for commercial use.
8 years ago
can anyone from ranch provide solution for this
Hi ,
I am using c:forEach tag and it is working fine in netbeans but not in eclipse kepler . i have all the required jars in build path .
kindly see screen shot.
Hi ,
I recently got job where java and atg framework is required , I am new to atg so I wanted to know what is future job prospect in atg and should I join
10 years ago
Hi Ranch,
I have written some error checking code

File name ErrorPage.jsp

File Name badPage.jsp


I have put error.jsp and badpage.jsp file in public access folder that is web content in eclipse

when I am running the code I am status code of 500 and not the errorpage.jsp message .
kindly have a look
10 years ago
Thanks Kevin,
when i ran javac from command prompt its running fine and my JAVA_HOME is set correctly.As eclipse uses jetty as default server and i have googled that in web.xml we need to configure the servlet tag for jsp to compile ,and my issue now is that there is another webdefault.xml in etc folder but i am not able to loacte it and may be my web.xml is not loading and only webdefault.xml is loading ,and still i am getting the same error.kindly have a look.