Joan Krammer

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since Nov 01, 2012
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I'm having problems with my first jnlp app. I use the following code:

to run deploy.jar file on my local computer.

deploy.jar file runs while double clicking on its icon, but does not run in jnlp. I get no pop-up windows with errors.

After setting the trace option to showing all the trace I got to these:

Could someone give me some advice on how to solve this problem? Or how to run local files using jnlp?
I searched the net but I couldn't find anything that would solve the problem.

11 years ago

Tony Docherty wrote:The method add(String, Component) is obsolete, you should use add(Component, Object). ie:

Hi again!

I changed the code again just as you suggested but the problem remains the same. The items of my panel appear only when I move my mouse over it.

What can cause this effect? I don't have any mouse listeners added in my project...
12 years ago

Tony Docherty wrote:Can you show the code you have used.

I really appreciate your help.
12 years ago

Tony Docherty wrote:Rather than trying to swap panels in and out I suggest you look at using java.awt.CardLayout.

I used CardLayout as you suggested, but the problem stays the same. The content of the panel appears only when I move my mouse over it.
So it's not the problem of the layout...
12 years ago

Maybe I used wrong words to describe what is changing. I have a main window (JFrame) and a panel in it (JPanel).
I also have some options to choose like f.e. books, toys, etc. Each option has its own panel (separate JPanel classes) with the table and buttons.
After choosing some option currentPanel (which is the current panel in main window) shoud change to new panel (f.e books panel, toys panel, etc.).

As I said, it worked in my previous projects that's why I'm so confused right now. It looks like the new panel is refreshing only when I move my mouse over the element of the new panel.
12 years ago

I'm trying to change JPanel content after clicking some button in a JFrame.

I use following method to change my panel content:

I used this method in my previous projects and it worked perfectly, but now something strange is happening.
The panel looks as it was empty after clicking the button which should cause the content change. But when I move my mouse over the panel
- the new content (buttons, tables, etc.) is showing (when I move my mouse over the place where the button shoud be, it immediately appears).

I tried revalidate() and repaint() methods but they don't make any difference.

Does anybody know what can possibly cause this effect?
12 years ago