Akbar Basha R

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since Mar 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Akbar Basha R

I think you haven't defined the faces-config.xml properly. Here is a sample faces-config.xml

In the command link, make sure the action method is returning back. In this way, the page will move to first page on the link action.
15 years ago
Try using the JSTL logic tags,

The logic tags are in "http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"

15 years ago
Hi Satya,
You have to create a custom renderer and associate that for the radio button in faces-config.xml. In this way, you control how you want the html to be generated for the radio button.
15 years ago
Congratulations GURU....

17 years ago
Thank you for the explanation...
Hi All,

Am happy to inform you , that I have passed SCDJWS with 88% score.
I used RMH, xyzws.com.

Thanks for the help!!!


17 years ago

javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement interface extends org.w3c.Node interface and org.w3c.Element interface.

org.w3c.Element interface extends org.w3c.Node interface.

Why doesnt SOAPElement interface extend Element interface ALONE ? (As Element already extends Node).

-- Akbar

During the development stage, it is better to use <h:\messages \> tag which will display the list of fields whose values have been set to null.
This will help in finding out the problem.

18 years ago
I came across this suggestion from sun forums. Let me know whether it works.

19 years ago

Go to the following link http://www.sun.com/training/savings/cert_web.xml
to know more about the discount.

The issue was related to the fact that the value bean arraylist for the datatable array, should be in session and not in request.

I think this is due to a bug in JSF 1.1, which might be fixed in JSF 2.0.

19 years ago

Daniel, I did it in the same way, as u said.
I have an array bean which is bound to the datatable. The array contains many custom objects (of the same type). The custom object contains a field to hold to checkbox value, which is bound to the checkbox.

The command button has the following code:
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
UIViewRoot root = facesContext.getViewRoot();
UIData table = (UIData)root.findComponent("codeform").findComponent("table");
int x = table.getRows();
System.out.println("No of Rows:: " + x);

I thought of iterating the table rows and find out which has been selected. The problem is, it always zero for the value of x.

Its due to the fact, that the array bean which contains the command button's code is also initialized, which gets rid of all the values in the ArrayListBean.

Please let me know how to solve this. (OR) Daniel can u provide me your code, so that i try with yours.

19 years ago
An Example of ServletContextListener Use:
To illustrate a use of the event scheme, consider a simple web application containing
a number of servlets that make use of a database. The developer has provided a
servlet context listener class for management of the database connection.
1. When the application starts up, the listener class is notified. The application
logs on to the database, and stores the connection in the servlet context.
2. Servlets in the application access the connection as needed during activity in
the web application.
3. When the web server is shut down, or the application is removed from the web
server, the listener class is notified and the database connection is closed.

ServletContext created when application deployed or server started
ServletContext destroyed when for example server was shut down
19 years ago

I have a check box in one of the column of a data table (The datatable contains many records). I would like to find out, which check box has been clicked by the user.
There is a command button below the datatable. (The user will first click on the check box and then click on the command button). In the command button's method, I would like to know which checkbox has been clicked.
Any help is appreciated.

Basically, I would like to know how to code the command button's method, so that it gets the clickedCheckBox's value.

19 years ago