ankita sarma

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since Nov 13, 2012
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Recent posts by ankita sarma

Hello Fellow Programmers,

Please Help me with this problem

Problem statement : I am working on jquery datatables. I am getting json data from an AJAX request and making the table in jquery and call dataTable on that.

I am not posting the actual code but trying to explain what I have already done

this is the code I have written in Jsp

now I have a requirement that on expansion of each row I want another datatable to be displayed on another ajax call.

I found this example on the internet but couldnot find out how can I adjust this according to my requirement.

the code on the internet is as follows

I couldnot understand how each row is being captured and how a new table is being formed?? It would be great if somebody could explain me.

JSFIDDLE :Jsfiddle for nested datatable

Hay Thank you for your reply.

I achieved it by using

this is the jsfiddle its very helpful jsfiddle for changing image of close button

hope it helps somebody who needs it later on
Hi Fellow Programmers,

I am using jQuery Dialog and change the color of the title-bar to black

Due to this the close button on the extreme right corner has become invisible.
Anybody has a idea how to change the color of that X button.

As of now I am using


Thanks in Advance

I have checked in google chromes sricpt editor there is no error
Hi Kevin,

yes thats outside document.ready()
and I am calling that on a buttons click event


has solved my problem
Hie Kevin

Thanks for your reply.

I am doing the same way as you have done here with some changes

usually you would call this $deleteDialog in

but instead what i have done is


so in my case is not working. I was wondering is it because of the fact that instead of putting that line (I have commented above)
autoOpen : false and then calling I am simply opening it on the button click.

Hi Fellow Programmers,

I am trying to work on jQuery and working on jQuery dialogs. I am facing certain problems as mentioned below

1. I am using jQuery version 1.9.4. Dialog cancel button is not working

I have tried with

Due to some constraints I cannot put the whole code but i can try to Explain all the things I have done.

In most of the cases I have seen on net people have done something like this

Instead of doing like this I have simply done

2. In a dialogue box I am including one jsp which has a table with data. but this jsp doesnt take up whole pop up space and lot of blank space around the table remains.What settings do I need to do so that the table takes up the whole space

Note : I apologise for not being able to post the whole code due to some reasons.

Hie Bear ,

I was trying this another one but still having trouble in this one when I am clicking on a particular button instead of enabling the text box corresponding to the same Tr both are getting enabled

Effectively I have two text boxes with two edit buttons. but on the click of button with id =button-2 both are getting enabled.

It would be very greatful if you could shed some light on what I am doing wrong here

hay Bear,

please have a look on this code , I was trying it in jsfiddle

for the sake of trying I have made this div <td> and <input> of same class

Please help me. I dont know what am I doing wrong.
In both the cases all the alerts are showing up. So code is not wrong but there is something I am missing

and one more question what does :text (as marked in bold above) means?

Thank you Bear for your reply.

Its the later one on the click of the edit button i want to make that text box enabled for editing

as of now i have written this kind of code

<c:foreach items in arrayList var="itr">

<input type="text" [I want to recognise this text box]>
<input type="button"[on the click of this button] val="itr.index">

I was thinking that I can recognise it if I pass value of iterator.

I am not able to make jquery code for doing something like this

input:text[the selected one].disabled=false

I was Asking how can I recognise which text box is selcted I mean how should I pass the parameter in edit button to reognise individual text box inside iterator tag