mary morris

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since Mar 16, 2002
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Recent posts by mary morris

I have a project that requires that us to generate xml data from an html form, save the xml into a predetermined location and then have the ability to prepopulate the form with the data at a later time.

We are using using javascript and XHTML. We are also going to use xml for validating the form information. Any ideas are welcome.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
I would like to add logging to a struts application - but not sure how to

I have common logger set up and it is working but only writes to the console

how in the properties file would I specify an file to put it out to

I ran across this:
Handler fh = new FileHandler("%t/wombat.log");

but I would like it in the properites file


thank you!!

also what goes in the and what should go in the
19 years ago
I have common logger set up and it is working but only writes to the console

how in the properties file would I specify an file to put it out to

I ran across this:
Handler fh = new FileHandler("%t/wombat.log");

but I would like it in the properites file


thank you!!

also what goes in the and what should go in the
19 years ago
Thank you very much, for the explanation and url. I had been looking on the net, that will be very helpful
19 years ago
I have a application that is using resource bundles. Yhey are set up, but how would I test to make sure more then the default bundles works, say if I want to see if french works, when the default is english, do I change this on my pc settings? - or in the code
19 years ago
actually, while I am at it, I assume you have been producing fop documents, do you use a editor? I any kind to help with the formatting?
yes I was, so Lasse's reply would be the post likely reason. I have not yet tried implementing the content-type header, but I guess that is the problem.

Thank you for your reply, I will check it in some other IE browsers. Someone said it worked in there IE browser, but I have tried it in two different ones. I was also thinking it was a security level that was set in IE broser optios.
I dynamically created a PDF using apache fop. It works fine in Netscape, but it does not opening directly with IE 6.02
I get the message to save to my computer or open. If I select to open - it does not know what to open it with, but I can save to my pc, but would like to have it open up directly as with netscape. That is, with IE I get the "File Download window ". The file type is "Adobe Acrobat Control for ActiveX ".

any suggestions why this is -thanks
Can the jwsdp (with Tomcat) be used with eclipse and if so what is used in the preferences of eclipse
20 years ago
Thanks everyone for you replys. I now am able to once agian get my programs to compile and run using a DOS prompt. I will try from eclipse now an if it doesn't work will then try in the eclipse IDE forum.
21 years ago
Thanks for your reply, I think it has to do with the jwsdp that was added after I had been set up.
I am in the process of setting up eclipse, (it is set up - now just getting familiar) but if, in an assignment I have to enter something from the command line, this can't be done in eclipse can it?
21 years ago
Johannes, Thanks for your reply. I tried what you suggested (think I did anyway) and it is still not working. Following is all what I have.
user variables
ANT_HOME C:\jwsdp-1.1\jakarta-ant-1.5.1\
CLASSPATH C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\lib (took out the xmlspy stuff -rebooted)
JAVA_HOME C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01
PATH C:\jwsdp-1.1\jwsdp-shared\bin
System variables
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System;C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin;C:\jwsdp-1.1\bin;C:\jwsdp-1.1\jakarta-ant-1.5.1\bin;C:\mysql\bin
21 years ago