piyush aegis

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since Dec 27, 2012
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Recent posts by piyush aegis

Thanks all of you,
good conversation and really needful information for me.
11 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am also suffering this problem, after reading all these posts i solved it,
Excellent information, thanks all of you.
11 years ago
Hi Ashok,
I am not sure, but the information and code post on this link may be helping to you,
Regularly refer liferay's good forum and it's conversation.
connected with liferay current news and events,
"www.stackoverflow.com" is good website for sharing and increase knowledge about the liferay programming.
hope my reply is helping you.
11 years ago
You can trying to search (like : server side programming java with c++) in Google books and refer some pages of available books,
after you got some good book than go through it.
11 years ago
According to reference of http://www.liferay.com.
Liferay provides two main ways to develop applications.
2.OpenSocial Gadgets

Portlets are small web applications written in Java that run in a portion of a web page. The heart of any portal implementation is its portlets, because they contain the actual functionality.

For more information you can refer this page :- http://www.liferay.com/documentation/liferay-portal/6.0/development/-/ai/developing-applications-for-liferay.

11 years ago