Juarez Barbosa Junior

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since Mar 18, 2002
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Recent posts by Juarez Barbosa Junior

Hi Scott and Jeanne, first of all congrats for this nice book!
I have one question that may sound obvious but I'd like to confirm. Are the practice test questions also suitable for the upgrade exam -> Upgrade to Java SE 8 OCP ( Java SE 6 and all prior versions) Exam Number: 1Z0813 ???
I do have a couple of Sun Certified Programmer certifications and I'd like to go the upgrade path, that's why I'd like to confirm. Thanks in advance!
Hi there,

I figured out what the options are for that. Thanks anyway.

I will not use the annotation for generated values at all such as
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO). I will define the keys myself, of course


Juarez Jr
Hi there,

The types of primary key generation are defined by the GenerationType enum as shown below (from the ejb-3_0-fr-spec-persistence.pdf Final release):

public enum GenerationType { TABLE, SEQUENCE, IDENTITY, AUTO };

But as far as I understood there's no way to use user defined key strategy, i mean, what if I want to generate the keys myself?

Please could someone help me in this regard? Thanks in advance!


Juarez Jr
Hello there,

The question is very simple: What's the usage pattern to pass javac parameters to java:compile in Maven? I've searched the web (Google, Maven docs, etc) but I have not found a single answer Could anybody help please?

[java] ( NO DEFAULT GOAL )
compile ........................ Compile the project
jar ............................ Create the deliverable jar file.
jar-resources .................. Copy any resources that must be present in
the deployed JAR file
prepare-filesystem ............. Create the directory structure needed to

Best Regards,
18 years ago
Hello there,

You can filter the sender using the PushRegistry, take a look below:

MIDlet-Push-1: sms://:12345, SmsExample, 123456789
MIDlet-Push-2: sms://:12345, SmsExample, *

The filter set to "*" to indicates that any sender is

Hope this helps!

18 years ago
Hi Victor Ho,

You should give us more details about where this exception is happening, i mean, if you are using an emulator or real device. Anyway, are you sure you can set a priority to zero (0)? I think they start at one (1), being one the most important command.Higher priority values indicate commands of lesser importance.

Hope this helps.

18 years ago
I passed too! Let's party!
19 years ago
Hello there,

As far as I know it's not in MIDP 1 or 2 but it depends on the device and manufacturer. Try these:

Sony Ericsson



Nokia is acessible only when using Symbian/Series 60 C++, I guess.


Juarez Junior - Brazil
SCPJ2/SCWCD/SCBCD/SCMAD/SCEA Part I/SCAJ (awaiting results)
19 years ago
Passed the exam as well! I'm very glad!

Let's celebrate!!!

I spent the entire brazilian carnival holiday revising the objectives, now it's time to relax...

It was worthwhile, though!
Hi Eduardo, my friend!

I disagree! I don't think that 59% is easy to achieve. I consider that this exam is a difficult one and I'm sure a lot of people have the same opinion.

Don't forget that this exam has a lot of new stuff and tricky questions. Also, it's aimed at begginers and/or entry level programmers, not experienced architects like you.

When I took the SCPJ2 - 1.2 version the pass score was 61% with 120 minutes. When they downgraded the 1.4 score to 52% I did not like it as well, but for 5.0 I think 59% is acceptable.

Now for the 5.0 version we have 59% with 175 minutes. More time means more difficult questions I guess...

Think about that!


Congrats Marcelo! It's the same score I've got. It brings me great happiness to know that Brazilians are performing so well.

Keep going!!!

Juarez Alvares Barbosa Junior

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.2
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE Platform 1.3
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE Platform 1.3
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Platform - Part I
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 5.0 Beta (awaiting results)
Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition 1.0 (in progress)
Sun Certified Associate for the Java 2 Platform 1.0 Beta (enrolled)
E-mail: juarez.barbosa@gmail.com
Hello there,
First of all, I'd like to apologize for this delay.
I used the follwing guides:
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051)
by Paul R. Allen, Joseph J. Bambara
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide
by Mark Cade (Author), Simon Roberts (Author)
Also Leo Crawford notes and Mastering EJB 1st Edition (EJB 1.1).
That's it !
SCPJ2 1.2/SCBCD 1.3/SCWCD 1.3 & 1.4/SCEA Part I