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Magik empowers developers and non-developers alike with the ability to easily create fully functional Java applications. It�s a really sweet rapid application development program that allows users to easily create complete Java applications from raw code or library objects with a drag-and-drop ease of use similar to that of Macromedia Dreamweaver or Director.
Magik also allows coders and UI designers to work together much more quickly and effectively in existing development environments with features including
-reusable code
-object, and function libraries
-single click linking of functions and objects
-real-time working previews which don't require the user to compile each time
Magik allows drag-and-drop importing of pre-existing Java code, data, multimedia objects and interface elements, and one-click integration of web services and other network-based objects. Essentially, it allows you to intuitively create applications the same way you do just about everything else on your desktop. Finished applications can be published to run as standalone Java applications, or can be instantly translated to a variety of functionality-compatible languages (such as Flash, DHTML, MPEG-4, or Microsoft C#) and platforms (such as wireless and Palm devices, and consumer electronics hardware).
Magik was created by a team of software designers from Apple, Macromedia, and the computer science department at Berkeley at Tekadence,
22 years ago