Shiva hari kumar Bala

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since Feb 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Shiva hari kumar Bala

You can find a lot in internet, you have to search for "search algorithm"
10 years ago
I am trying to built solutions for problems likes Library Management System, Ticket Booking System, Market billing and such. I manage to code it down and its working fine but I'm not able to scale them and at time it fails miserably on multi thread environments mostly because I tend to use static keyword at many places which block it from being OOPS - Like two users get same fine for returning books late or same kind of tax.

Simply, I'm good at coding but I'm bad at design and I wish to improve my designing skills a book will be fine by a practical solution (not code) - UML diagram will be great. Also last time when I worked on a POC for booking conference rooms in office I named a class ConformRoom which got me 'bad design' review as I must have name it as noun... I don't get this concepts, again book will be good but a practical solution UML will be great. Thanks

PS: reason for specifically asking UML is that so I can put in my own business code than using someones knowledge since that will deteriorate mine
10 years ago
try setting this property in you .cfg file