Kent Bull

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 21, 2013
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Recent posts by Kent Bull

The book already has a lot of content. What are some supplementary studying you recommend to review in addition to the book? What are the topics, if any, you wanted to include in the book that did not make the final version?
5 years ago

What are the Java 11 features you focus on in the book? It looks like you get some Java 10 with the HTTP/2 sections, is that right?

Are there notable Java 11 features you do not illustrate in the book?
5 years ago
Welcome to the ranch! The book looks like it covers a wide range of topics and builds on itself.
5 years ago
Welcome Naomi!
6 years ago
It is nice to have this high-level overview before I get into the depths of it. It seems as though using a hands on tutorial to problem solving techniques would better help me improve my own technique as compared to academic prose or definition style textbooks.
Thanks for comparing the two.
6 years ago
This is good to know. I'll get a beginner swift book first, or at least read The Basics you linked to.
6 years ago
Progressive disclosure sounds interesting. I'd like to see how a language does that. The protocol idea seemed compelling as well. I tried a bit with the Playground and will give it another go as I read your book.
6 years ago

Having written a bit of Kotlin and having reviewed a bit of Swift it seems there are similarities in the two languages. From a few "Talking Kotlin" podcasts I remember hearing that the language designers of Kotlin took a lot of inspiration from Swift. Do you have familiarity with both languages and if so do you think they are similar? What are some of the key differences in your mind?

If you don't have experience with Kotlin could you mention some of the key strengths of Swift?
6 years ago

Did you gain inspiration from the Pragmatic Programmer's book "A Common Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms" for your book? It looks like there are a few similarities from the table of contents.

6 years ago

Having previously looked at the Swift documentation it felt like Swift was a well-designed language and I am excited to learn more about Swift.

Would reading your book and working all the exercises or examples be a good intro to Swift for an intermediate to advanced programmer? I am familiar with a few other languages at this point and would like to learn the beauty of Swift.
6 years ago
Welcome to the ranch David! It's a pleasure to have you here to answer questions about Swift. I look forward to reading your book ;)
6 years ago
After just winning another book, Kathy Sierra's OCP Java 8, I remembered again that the book for my last promotion I won never came in, the "Functional Programming in Java: How functional techniques improve your Java programs" book promotion. Is there a way to follow up and retrieve that book or is there a time eligibility window that has passed?
6 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:...the publishers sometimes have special offers...

Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep my eye out for the offer
Thanks for the mentions of those books! I am going to get both of them. I really like Ken's thinking style and am thinking the Mycroft book will be great as well.