vetrivendhan rajamanoharan

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since Apr 10, 2013
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Recent posts by vetrivendhan rajamanoharan

At last, found the solution by someway.

Copy the "telnet.exe" file from C:\Windows\System32 folder to C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Post this operation, telnet prompt got opened while it executed via 32 bit JRE even though telnet client is specific to operation system. i.e 64 bit.

String command = "cmd /c start cmd.exe /K \"telnet <ip-address> \"";

Ref :
11 years ago
String[] cmd = {"cmd.exe", "/start","\"telnet","\""};

Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

It's not working
11 years ago

Please any one have the idea about invoking the Win 7 64 bit telnet client via Java Runtime.exec(). on 32 bit JRE

String command = "cmd /c start cmd.exe /K \"telnet\"";

` Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);

It throws "telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

But in case if the same above statements run on 64 bit JRE it works fine.

Kindly light up me on this

11 years ago

Please let me know how do I inovke Telnet prompt via Java code using apache commons net jar .

I have done the following code

String command = "cmd /c start cmd.exe /K \"telnet <ip-address> \"";
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);

It works fine for 64 bit JRE with 64 bit Telnet client(Win 7 64 bit OS)

But it fails while i use 32 bit jre..

How do i achieve the 364 bit telnet client via 32 bit JRE

I read in the posts it can be done using Apache commons class..

11 years ago

Rob Spoor wrote:vetrivendhan rajamanoharan, please BeForthrightWhenCrossPostingToOtherSites.

11 years ago
is there anything to do with Eclipse SDK version.?

currently i use 3.2
11 years ago
ya we have upgraded to JRE 7 since then its not working, SWT dialog's are opening as usual.
11 years ago

vetrivendhan rajamanoharan wrote:But how its been working well in JRE 5 and JRE 7?
is there any back ground for this problem?

actually its a design flaws, its been a very old framework..
the further enhancement we are not mixing up.
Also the components are not mixed up in a single dialog
11 years ago
But how its been working well in JRE 5 and JRE 7?
is there any back ground for this problem?
11 years ago
Actually its an eclipse RCP application which has an mix of SWT, AWT and swing components.

But the window freeze happens only for swing dialogs i believe after the jre upgrade.

11 years ago
Swing and AWT dialog box freezes in an eclipse RCP application if it runs on JRE7

But the same application runs without any issues if it runs on JRE 6

What could be the issue? if we change any config parameters in .ini file , shall i achieve the compatibility?

is this related to eclipse RCP or swing or JRE issue?

please advice
11 years ago