Patsy Morrow

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since May 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Patsy Morrow

Please help! I would like to develop a simple application that would mimic a phone call queue. I would like for the application to aknowledge the workstations logged into the server, check the status, and connect(meaning allow the server to send that workstation objects) if it is of a "true" status, and continue to search if it is of a "false" status. Does anyone have suggestions on how this can be implemented in java?
11 years ago
Yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to do is reinvent the wheel so to speak! I have a habit of making things so much harder than they really are.

I looked into Mule ESB, and it seems to be a perfect fit. I will download it and play around with it. Thank you so much for this!
11 years ago
Yea it's a totally different subject, so I created a new Thread. But we can continue on the original. Thanks!
11 years ago
So I've setup Eclipse, and my applications have been developed. The applications will always cause a workstation to be in a state of true/false (if button1 is selected, state=true open gateway, if button2 is selected state=false close gateway). The "gateway" is what I believe to serve as the listener. Meaning the "gateway" will look for a true state, and route calls only to that workstation.

What Java functionality do I need to implement that would serve as the "gateway" described above?

(f I am incorrect on the technical terminology, please let me know.)
11 years ago
Thanks again for of you all's recommendations.

So I've setup Eclipse, and my applications have been developed. The applications will always cause a workstation to be in a state of true/false (if button1 is selected, state=true open gateway, if button2 is selected state=false close gateway). The "gateway" is what I believe to serve as the listener. Meaning the "gateway" will look for a true state, and route calls only to that workstation.

What Java functionality do I need to implement that would serve as the "gateway" described above?

(f I am incorrect on the technical terminology, please let me know.)
11 years ago
Thank you so much for your reply.

1. I would prefer the clients use web browsers. In regards to allowing the clients call queue to talk to my "portal", what recommendations do you have that the clients could use to initiate the call besides a web browsers that could make development easier?
2. If the workstations were acting as HTTP servers how would this be implemented in Java?
11 years ago
Let me start off telling what I want to do, and then hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I want to have a "portal" that will accept calls from clients, and then route those calls to workstations based on available IP addresses. I'm not sure how to begin development on the portal. Help is very much needed and appreciated. How can the portal be implemented using Java? Is a server needed? If so, will Apache Tomcat work?
11 years ago
Can anyone post an example log file that the mod_log_config file produces
11 years ago
I am new to using apache modules. I want to use the mod_log_config in a custom log. I know the data I wnat to log; however, I have no clue on how to implement it. From reading about it, it seems as though it is found in the mod_log_config.c file: Where is that file typically located?

I want to use data from the log file to determine which xml file to have apache to serve. I'm assuming I implement this in that correct? If not, how is this done

Thanks in advance!
I need a little help! When my web service is down for maintenance, since Apache is will still be up and running, I would like for Apache to server an xml file with the appropriate message depending on what request was made by the client. I have a few operations available, makePayment, calculateFee, etc.

Is it possible to have Apache determine what type of operation request is made for example if I have an xml error page for each process; how will Apache know which xml file to serve based on the operation request from the client

To make it more clear:
What is the best practice for modifying apache to know what request is being made in order to serve the appropriate xml file?
11 years ago
I have a customer whose ivr platform is xml specific and we are building a new platform that will interact with other web services using ws-rest. Per the customer's solution to the problem ws-rest needs to be updated to respond with a new xml format. I'm having trouble grasping the "new xml format response" concept. Could someone please explain this to me.
11 years ago
I am new to web services concepts and applications. I would like to take a look at the wsdl file, but I don't know where it is located. Please help! Thanks
11 years ago
Hello fellow coders!

Please give your opinion on what do you think is the best way for integration within a hosted IVR migration project, ws-SOAP or ws-REST? I was thinking SOAP becasue it makes more sense but I want to properly hide the customer's specific functionality from the rest of our web service clients in the wsdl. We are in the process of moving the system to another portal. The current system interacts with rest and they are not suing sml anymore. So this requires rest to be updated to respond with a new XML format or we need to update SOAP to include additional customer ivr messages. I would like to have only one deployment of soap in produciton if possible. Please let me know your opinion on chosing soap or rest for interaction purposes.
11 years ago
I working with Spring security to hide customer information in the wsdl. I want to use Spring Security to hide certain xml statments that contain customer messages. Please help with this where to start, how to do it etc... Thank!
11 years ago
I'm new to the web services technology. And it seems the wsdl is significant in the concept. Would someone please explain in depth the wsdl concept/capabilities to me. Also, how and where to access the file.
11 years ago