Ip Man

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since Jul 18, 2013
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Recent posts by Ip Man

I have a question: I have taken various pretests on the OCA SE 7 and I found a lot of "Given .... code .... " then multiple choice. I took the pretest for the Oracle OCA SE 7 Programmer l Study Guide (Exam 1Z0-803) by Edward Finegan and Robert Liquuori and there was not a lot of (not as many compared) these types of code evaluation. - The OCA pretest with book seemed to ask mostly "knowledge" based questions. i.e. "If a ClassA inherits ClassB, and ClassC is an interface....." that sort of thing.

My question is: which is it? Some one(s) who have taken the OCA SE 7, did you encounter a lot of code evaluation questions? I understand that there has to be some like this for inheritance, and polymorphism, and class objects...but other pretests (other than the OCA pretest with book that "claims" it is extremely close to actual exam) seems to ask half the exam at least on these type of questions.

I just do not want to be taken off guard. (I understand the questions come from a large code bank, and every test is different..just thought there would be a possible "standard")

Thanks in advance to all!