Pramod Gem

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since Apr 08, 2002
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Recent posts by Pramod Gem

Hi all
I corrected my name. My short name was Pam G . But now i put my long name.
I was not aware of naming rule. Thanks for correcting me.
Neal has replied my question. but i do not want generate tree view using HTML. I want database driven tree view. Basically i want to do search some information and if database has results it will be displayed in form of tree view.
Earlier i tried to develop tree view in HTML and it's working fine. I want to know is their ia any XML process in struts to built tree from database output?
If i want to display database results in form of tree view what is the provision in Struts.
Thanks every one supporting. I have been member quiet long but i never posted my query as i always get answer from other friend's.
20 years ago
Hi all,
I need to develop a view page, which will be having Treeview control. I a trying this using struts. So u have any thing special (writing XML file) to build Treeview in struts. Or how it differs from normal design

Thanks in advace
20 years ago