I want to add some random string very top my video file by editing Notepad++ and want to remove that string to play video.
If open a video file by Notepad++ following text will appear
ftypisom isomiso2avc1mp41
so, i want to add something like
dklfjhsdfkdsurytp3985utrjfakdsf ftypisom isomiso2avc1mp41 and save it
and want to remove that string by Java program.
So far i have succeeded:
1- Open video by Notepad++
2- Add random string top of file and save
3- Wrote a java code read file line by line
4- Remove that string by java and save file
However, after saving file by Java
video files doesn't open by VLC player or any other player.
How can i achieve that goal?
Any idea?