Hi guys!
I'm trying to get the HelloWorld from chapter 1 of JBoss in Action to work (chapter available free here:
http://www.manning.com/jamae/). First of all a bit of context. I am running a Mac Powerbook pro laptop, using the native Unix OS. I'm running maven 3.2.1 and Java 1.7.0_25. I've downloaded jboss-6.1.0.Final. I've changed permissions on the bin/startup.sh file to chmod 777 and when I go to localhost:8080, I do indeed see the appropriate JBoss screen. So, all of that seems dandy. I really wanted to upload images just to show, but this forum seems to only allow URL images. Did I miss something there?
Where I'm having trouble is the exercise where I need to deploy a Hello World program. As far as I can tell I have created a directory structure exactly like the one he wants. However, when I run this command:
Unless I've misunderstood something, that translates to this on my computer:
This is the result produced when I run the command from inside the helloWorldBuild folder:
So, where should these javax.servlet packages it seems to be looking for be? I didn't see them referenced in the code from the book. Are they meant to be in the JBoss directory structure, or should they have been put in the helloWorldBuild directory at some point?
By the way, if this is going to be too much, I would be quite happy to find a step-by-step guide that will teach me how to use JBoss with Eclipse rather than the command line. I'm told this is supposed to be easy, but I'm just not finding it so. I really appreciate your help.