Lee Reedy

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since Sep 08, 2000
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Seems to be true Rahul. Every time I send an email to a big company asking about entry level/training level jobs...I get an email back from campusrecruiter@....or something along those lines. No experience, no degree means long hard road. But any recruiter I have talked to has told me any IT experience is good experience.
Remember you can always continue to look for a job after you have found one.
24 years ago
If I remember correctly...there isn't going to be a seperate IDE for C#...like they have for Visual Basic and Visual C++...
So in order to develop in C# you need to have Visual Studio available to you. SO..its free to learn and develop Java...and over $1000.00 to learn and develop C#..
Correct me if I am wrong please =)
24 years ago
Another one that uses jsp is http://www.qool.com. Its a free auction site that runs thousands of auctions every month...so its a good one to see jsp on.
[This message has been edited by Lee Reedy (edited November 05, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Lee Reedy (edited November 05, 2000).]
24 years ago
I agree on the not as personalized as this site....but it looks as though it would be a good supplement to any learning currently being done.
24 years ago
Hi all,
Just wanted to pass along that at jguru.com they have a whole set of tutorials up and running. There are lots of certifaction topics covered there...and they have a whole section just on awt.
You can check it out here.
Just wanted to pass along that at jguru.com they have posted a full set of tutorials. These start at the basics of Java and go all the way through the more advanced topics.
Check it out here.
24 years ago
If you haven't been there lately, or at all, JGuru has new tutorials available on all levels of Java. There is a whole section on Server-side developement there.
Check it out here.
24 years ago
This is the best one that I have found AOIndustries.
24 years ago
Go to www.servlets.com. There are quite a few companies listed here. There is one there that gives you a ton of features for $30.00 a month.
If you are looking for free services, then try mycgiserver.com.
[This message has been edited by Lee Reedy (edited October 24, 2000).]
24 years ago
From the posts that I have read, most of the people who have accomplished the feat of preparing in one month or less time have either prior java experience, or prior oop experience.
Good luck, work hard and you can do it =)
Whoa! Didn't mean to set a fire there! I suppose the score that you want to achieve on the test also plays a big part too. I would honestly say that a lot goes into confidence. Some people test better than others. I napped through much of my SAT's in high school and still got over 1250...while others stressed and did bad because they are "bad test-takers."
As the experts have said, when you are consistently scoring over 90% then you are in a position to do well on the exam. If you want to pass the 61% mark, then I feel you should know how to code and read code and know your fundamentals well. Aside from mocks and theory, a strong coding background can't hurt at all.
Yes it can be. A little story. I attended college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for a year (you want to talk about cold!) For spring break (in March) me and a buddy headed down to Kansas City, Mo for the week to stay with his sister. The first two days it was 75 degrees, sunny...absolutely beautiful. Then the temperature took a nose dive....12 degrees outside for the high! Kansas City and St.Louis are a few hundred miles apart...east and west...but about the same level.
24 years ago
Just a thought.....
It seems to me, that as long as you have to ask yourself that question, you are not ready for the exam yet. Right?
Hi. I stumbled across this site a little earlier today and thought it may be of some use. It has some links also to more information. WirelessDevnet
24 years ago
I have to disagree with St. Louis being an agreable place for someone used to India. It gets damn cold in in St. Louis. Other places you may want to consider are Raliegh/Durham area in North Carolina. Lots of Java jobs, good pay, cost of living is not bad, and climate is nice also. Florida is, of course, warm....Virginia Beach, Va is nice also...and the median family income is something like 40K...so 50K can go a bit further for you while you are working on experience. Just remember that the Northeast US is expensive AND cold. But if you can stick it out for a year or two...then you have your pick of the country.
Good Luck
24 years ago