Raghothaman Nagarajachar

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since Apr 26, 2002
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Recent posts by Raghothaman Nagarajachar

I am getting the following error, when I execute the shell script.
Any solution for this....?
Using Jaguar CTS 3.5 with Sybase 12.5 on Solaris 2.8 with JDK 1.2
Please help.
Jun 26 11:32:29 2002: java.lang.LinkageError: Class com/gsms/MainForm/nonvisual/GsmsException violates loader constraints
Jun 26 11:32:29 2002: at com.gsms.MainForm.nonvisual.GsmsExceptionHelper.read(GsmsExceptionHelper.java, Compiled Code)
Jun 26 11:32:29 2002: at gsms.CommonPkg.GsmsHelperRemote_Stub.getFilePlacementDetails(GsmsHelperRemote_Stub.java, Compiled Code)
Jun 26 11:32:29 2002: at gsms.ExpmailPkg.ExpmailBean.brochureMailing(ExpmailBean.java, Compiled Code)
Jun 26 11:32:29 2002: at gsms.ExpmailPkg._sk_ExpmailPkg_Expmail.invoke(_sk_ExpmailPkg_Expmail.java, Compiled Code)
Jun 26 11:32:29 2002: SystemException: UNKNOWN (ExpmailPkg/Expmail/brochureMailing - @
22 years ago
I am getting CORBA UNKNOWN 0 error in most of my screens.
Any solution for this...?
I am using EAServer 3.5 in Solaris 2.8 with Sybase 12.5 and JDK 1.2.2
22 years ago
Whether Solaris 2.8 compatible with JDK1.1.8....?
Because I am getting Segmentation Fault error when I tried to connect EAServer 3.5 in Solaris 2.8 with JDK 1.1.8.
$ nohup jagsrv Jaguar &
[1] 6418
$ Sending output to nohup.out
[1] + Segmentation Fault(coredump)nohup jagsrv Jaguar &

Where as if I configure to JDK 1.2.2, the above error is not coming.
Please help.
The following is the error message when a batch job is executed from the Unix box. (the code is written in Java/EJB. Application Server is Jaguar CTS 3.5)
p3gsm:/sybase_jag/JaguarCTS35/SchedulerScripts 5> RFLoadFrame.sh
java.lang.Exception: javax.naming lookup failed for component: RecvFrameBean
Exception: [Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION: The delegate has not
been set! minor code: 0 completed: No]javax.naming.NamingException
Error Message : BatchScheduler not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_hel
p to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).
Please help.
22 years ago
When I execute a shell script (which executes a Java/EJB program), I am getting OutofMemoryError. How to overcome this error...?
The Java/EJB program is deployed in EAServer 3.5 application server installed in Solaris 2.8. We are connecting to Sybase 12.5 database.
The content of srv.log is given below.
Jun 20 09:10:00 2002: Exception type from log component : /sybase_jag/bin/Gsms/InstallInactive/InstallInactive.log
Jun 20 09:10:00 2002: Exception Message from log component : /sybase_jag/bin/Gsms/InstallInactive/InstallInactive.log
Jun 20 09:10:15 2002: Exception
Jun 20 09:10:15 2002: in thread
Jun 20 09:10:15 2002: "Thread-7"
Jun 20 09:10:15 2002:
Jun 20 09:10:16 2002: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Jun 20 09:10:17 2002: SystemException: UNKNOWN (NoData/NoData/retrieveNodataHouseholds - @
The following is the error message when a batch job is executed from the Unix box. (the code is written in Java/EJB. Application Server is Jaguar CTS 3.5)
p3gsm:/sybase_jag/JaguarCTS35/SchedulerScripts 5> RFLoadFrame.sh
java.lang.Exception: javax.naming lookup failed for component: RecvFrameBean
Exception: [Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION: The delegate has not
been set! minor code: 0 completed: No]javax.naming.NamingException
Error Message : BatchScheduler not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_hel
p to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).
Please help.
I created an EJB 2.0 component in PowerJ 4.1 from the existing EJB 1.0 component developed in PowerJ 3.5.
While doing so, the properties of objects (like query objects, transaction objects) are getting changed when migrated from PowerJ 3.5 to PowerJ 4.1, if viewed from GUI properties screen. But if I see the properties in the code generated, they remain the same as specified in PowerJ 3.5.
For example, for a query object, the PrimaryKeyColumns is set in the code as below.
But this is not visible if we view through GUI properties screen.
Even if I add some columns to the PrimaryKeyColumns in the Columns tab of this query object, next time when I open the same component, the added entries are not seen. The PrimaryKeyColumns entry is blank.
Is there any option to enable so that whatever specified in the code will be reflected in GUI properties screen....?
Is this a bug in PowerJ 4.1.....?
22 years ago
Thanks for your answer.
Will replace RemoteException with EJBException.
In EJB 2.0 specification, it is mentioned that the use of java.rmi.RemoteException was deprecated for container-invoked callbacks (like ejbCreate, ejbPassivate, ejbActivate) and must use javax.ejb.EJBException instead.
But when I create a new EJB 2.0 component with java.rmi.RemoteException, build and deployment was successful. Also with javax.ejb.EJBException, build and deployment was successful.
This means can we use either of these exceptions in EJB 2.0....?
Is it not necessary to replace java.rmi.RemoteException with javax.ejb.EJBException ....?
We are in the process of migrating our application from Jaguar 3.5 to EAServer 4.1
I created new target EJB 2.0 in PowerJ 4.1 from the existing bean code (which was written in EJB 1.0).
We are using EAServer 4.1 for deployment.
After creating, Build and RebuildAll went successful.
While deploying, it gives the following error.
Application Server error: cannot obtain interface list for: CommonPkg/GsmsHelperServer.
I noticed in deploy option that the entry for interface and class are empty.
In Jaguar 3.5 it is
interface : "CommonPkg.GsmsHelperRemote"
class: "CommonPkg.GsmsHelperBean"
What should I do to get rid of this error......?
to have the entries for interface and class in deploy option....?
Please help.
Installed EAServer 4.1 Developer Edition (downloaded version).
Under html/classes directory the following zip files are there.
1) SVUNew.zip
2) powerjd.zip
3) powerjr.zip
But I could not find the following zip files which are there in Jaguar 3.5 installation.
4) jaguar.zip
5) syb102.zip
6) sybjdbc.zip
And I found jaguar.zip contains "JCMCache.class". Because I do not have this zip file in html/classes, while building (compiling) in PowerJ 4.1 it says 'com.sybase.jaguar.jcm.JCMCache' not found.
What should I do now....?
Whether Developer Edition of 4.1 does not have this zip file
If I copy this zip file from Jaguar 3.5, will it solve my problem...?
Please help.
I have installed EAServer 4.1 in the Unix box. And I have installed PowerJ 4.0 in my desktop. In order to get PowerJ 4.1, I applied the patch and got PowerJ 4.1 in my desktop.
My questions:
1) How to test the connection between PowerJ and EAServer ....?
2) I opened PowerJ 4.1. In the View menu, I selected Application Server. It is listing the Application Server Components for EAS 3.6.1, EAS 4.0 and EAS 4.0.1. But I am not getting EAS 4.1.
Any help in this regard...?
What should I do to get EAS 4.1 to be listed in PowerJ 4.1....?

Thanks for your help.
22 years ago
I understand that for JDK 1.2.2 and 1.3, I need to install the following patches in Solaris 2.8
108652-33 or later
108921-12 or later
108940-24 or later
according to this site
Suppose if the onsite team has 108652-51 and if the offshore team has 108652-47 is this still OK....?
Since 108652-33 or later has been specified, is this version difference between onsite and offshore teams are OK...?
Will this create any problem...?
Thanks for your help.
22 years ago
I changed my display name.
Thanks for your valuable input.
We are planning to migrate our application from JDK 1.1 to 1.3. Some methods are deprecated in the new version.
I learnt that we can still use the old deprecated methods and it will compile without any error. The problem will arise only if the methods are removed in the later (higher) releases. If it is only deprecated we can still use it and compile. This is what I heard.
Similarly we are planning to migrate from EJB 1.0 to EJB 2.0.
I learnt that java.rmi.RemoteException is deprecated and replaced by javax.ejb.EJBException for EJBCreate, EJBPostCreate, EJBRemove, EJBActivate, EJBPassivate, SetSessionContext in EJB 1.1/2.0.
But can we still use java.rmi.RemoteException for these methods in EJB 2.0........?
We are upgrading the EAServer and PowerJ from 3.5 to 4.1.
Any guidance / comments will be highly appreciated.