chrstian ferma

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 26, 2014
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Recent posts by chrstian ferma

why not string .replace before parsing replace "," to "" and also replace "%" to "" then parse to type that you need double or int
8 years ago

the style didn't work on chrome but works on firefox any suggestions?
thank you

Richard Tookey wrote:This whole approach seems a bit cack-handed . I haven't used Javascript for some time so am rusty but the only thing you are using the regex for is to check for a valid character and even that is wrong. Why not just use

Gets rid of 99% of your code!

thanks man this one is more easy to understand few lines of codes into one line than my previous thanks
Good day everyone i have a text field that i only allow numbers but when i drop a value or paste that is produced by shift + the numbers 0 to 10 = "!@#$%^&*()" then i try to drag and drop this or paste into the textbox where i bind into a regular expression it allow the special characters , i dont have any problem on this regular expression on keypress

Good day every one here's the scenario in my drop down when i have error on drop down it will have a error class and a tooltip , but when i click the drop down to show the options i destroy the tooltip so the tool tip will not show when you click drop down but im having some hard time how to figure out putting back the tooltip when the drop down is already close or i click outside the drop down i already made some research i try to get the length but i think this is not applicable in this scenario cause in my drop down i have a default value w/c means that the length of it will always 1 thank you

Got this ,

this solves the problem
I click the second textbox then i aiming to get the value of the prevoius textbox

i already try those and i always get a blank alert pop up

Bear Bibeault wrote:The difference is subtle but distinct. The key press event is triggered only for keys that produce characters, whereas keydown is triggered for all keys.

You can see the difference by creating a test page that captures both events for an input. You will see that both events are triggered when a key such as Q is pressed. But what about when you press the SHIFT key? What happens differently?

yes i see the difference of keydown and key press thank you
Good day, im reading about keypress,key up and key down
key down = event will trigger after you press the key (more easy to understand based on definition and you can easily know how it works)
but im a bit confuse of key down and keypress i try to use them and it seems that they are the same based on functionality.
Just want to know more how key press and key down becomes different? thank you.

Winston Gutkowski wrote:

chrstian ferma wrote:cause i cant understant how the pattern generated...

Well I'm afraid that's an absolute must. All I've been doing is musing about possibilities.

If this is for a class, then I suggest you ask your tutor, because what you've given us is definitely not enough to go on.


thanks i believe i need more details regarding this
9 years ago
my bad not a detailed post , my post looks like im looking on exact answer
9 years ago

Winston Gutkowski wrote:

Joanne Neal wrote:* For example
How does that pattern relate to the value 9 ?

That's what I was trying to work out.

As far as I could see, each pattern is 9 characters long, and is made up of 6 '0's and 3 '*'s; but since 9 is the ONLY single-digit odd number that isn't prime, it doesn't seem to give much of a clue.


thank you what im looking is a guidance not the exact answer
9 years ago

chrstian ferma wrote:Write a program that will display a pattern depending on n. Assume n as a one digit odd number.

Example: if n=9, display

cause i cant understant how the pattern generated , i believe this one can easily done by for loop thank you , i appreciate the answers i believe n=9 then system.out the expected output is not what im trying to explain but it's a valid answer due to not detailed question
9 years ago
Write a program that will display a pattern depending on n. Assume n as a one digit odd number.

Example: if n=9, display
9 years ago