manu kul

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since May 23, 2014
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Recent posts by manu kul

Congrates !!

I am worried alot after hearing that you just had programmes and no definition questions
I have my exam date in two days
9 years ago
anybody who has given OCAJP Iz0-803 ,could you please answer my query.
1. Is there any negative marking for questions in this exam?
2. In case of multiple options selection questions ,will there be marks for answering some options correct?
for example
Which of these array declarations and instantiations are legal?
Select 4 options
A. int[ ] a[ ] = new int [5][ 4] ;
B. int a[ ][ ] = new int [5][ 4] ;
C. int a[ ][ ] = new int [ ][ 4] ;
D. int[ ] a[ ] = new int[ 4][ ] ;
E. int[ ][ ] a = new int[ 5][ 4] ;


-> what if I wont be able to answer all 4 options perfect else few are right

I am also planning to attempt in just one month study . I would try your path of study
9 years ago
hey conngrates !!

do you have any dummy question set for OCAJP 7 exam ?
Which and how many mock tests you appeared?
9 years ago

I just joined this forum.
I am planning to attempt OCPJP7 exam in a month or so.
Could you please let me know the optimum way to study and pass exam.
I have 3 years of java production support experience and I had also gone through the SCJP 6 book 2 years back.