I've solved the dreaded pyramid problem from the itunes Stanford CS106 course, and created myself a pyramid (hint to those having trouble, try manually coding your first two lines in order to figure out what exactly you want your for loops to do. I could have saved myself about a week of mental anguish if I did that!).
Two issues:
1) The pyramid is not quite centered and I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this: is there a set formula to use and memorize from here on out, or do I need to rework my algorithm?
2) How would you fix this code? If I were an actual CS106 student I'd have a prof and some TAs to help me out...but now I don't so I need your experience
. Right now, I have each individual layer being laid from left to right, then measuring to go up by one layer, shift the row by 1/2 a brick length, and lay down one less brick per layer until we have one brick. Is there a better way to go about this that I didn't think of?
Thank you very much!