Annamaria Joseph

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since Jun 20, 2014
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Recent posts by Annamaria Joseph

What is the difference between Java SE 6 Programmer and Java SE 8 Programmer ?
Instance variable must be a reason.

But we have deployed a patch provided by Weblogic for Weblogic 8.1 and the problem is currently solved.

Thank you each and everyone..
10 years ago
Thank you everyone for your valuable inputs.
10 years ago
Is this a common problem existing in weblogic 8.1?
10 years ago
Its an old code developed by someone using weblogic 8.1.

The instance variable is used to keep the variable accessible outside the post method. So that the same variable can be used in other methods too.

How does instance variable affect in session replication? just trying to understand it..

please help.
10 years ago
I just observed this in the code..

private HttpServletRequest req;
private HttpServletResponse res;

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws, ServletException {
try {
this.req = req;
this.res = res;

Is this instance variables?

if it is a instance variable, then can you tell me how does instance variables affect in the session replication?

and what is the solution for it?
10 years ago
Thank you for your valuable responses.

# The values are private variables and they are accessed using setter getter.

and then

req.setAttribute(private variable)

is used.

# Instance or static variables are not used, meaning value to the variables is not directly assigned.

Merging is such

First entry :100000739222|643990|171.00|

Second entry : 100000739222|643991|113.00| ....... wrong entry

100000739222 is a unique entry and should had not been duplicated.. ideally.

100000739223|643991|337.0| .... should had been the right entry.

first entry got merged to some other entry.

#Is it session data getting merged??

Is there any solution for it...

Please reply.
10 years ago
My application has two Application servers, App1 and App2..

we are using weblogic 8.1 Application server

There is session replication done in weblogic.xml file .



The application works fine but currently there is data getting replicated among different users.

Is it the problem of session data getting merged with other session data
or is it server cache not getting cleared or is there any setting to be changed in weblogic application server??

or is there any other problem ???

Kindly reply with solution...
10 years ago