Michael Rivera wrote:I've been in an Agile team since last year, although most of the company i've worked for were trying to do this ever since but always moved the wrong way. My concern about Agile is that it only helps a lot whenever we are doing new products to which new things are said to be finished at a certain time unlike existing ones and recurring old bugs, it doesn't comply i think.
Any thoughts?
Chris Hurst wrote:You can use a work manager if your container supports it (yet) , its morally ok to ask the container for a thread and allow it to determine if it should create or allocate you an existing one from a pool .
The devil is in how your 'work' communicates the results ;-), I use that with my JCA in Glassfish and communicate out via MDB.
This might be useful or chekc your container documentation...
nibla jose wrote:Whenever we make a jndi look up we specify a set of initial property set. In this one is the url to the server. Another is the initial factory class name.
1. What is this initial factory class?
2. What does it do?
3. Where does it reside, on the client or on the server?
4. If I have webpshere as my server,
a. is it mandatory that i should be giving the name of ibm implementation of the initial factory?
If this is true, wont this mean that a client should be aware of the application server vendor in which the application runs???
b. Or will it work even if i am using sun's initial factory?
If this is true, then what is the use of having different intial context factories. We only need one class right?
Thanks in advance for all kind answers...
kiran_kumar wrote:I tried by setting jvm arguments.. but it is not working.
I am using jsf page.. Polish characters are displaying correctly in a label i.e. <tr:outputLabel used for that.
But the same polish characters are converting into ? in a text box i.e. ><tr:inputText
This is happening when i move from one tab to other tab. If i do refresh on the page polish characters are coming correctly.
><trh:cellFormat id="p_1096_pm_desc_gen19" >
<tr:outputLabel id="p_1097_pm_desc_gen20" styleClass="textlable" value="#{pmmsgs.values.firstname}" />
<trh:cellFormat id="p_1098_pm_desc_gen21" halign="right">
<tr:inputText id="p_1099_pm_desc_gen22" maximumLength="255" shortDesc="#{(contexthelp.shortDesc == false)? nodata : pmmsgs.values.enterfirstname}" validator="#{usersGeneralBackingBean.validateFirstName}" required="true" value="#{usersGeneralBackingBean.pageDataBean.userObject.firstName}" requiredMessageDetail="#{pmmsgs.values.new_user_firstname_prompt}" label=" " disabled="#{usersDescriptionBackingBean.pageDataBean.renderModify == false || usersGeneralBackingBean.pageDataBean.canUpdateEntity == false}"/>
Originally posted by san pinky:
Could any body please tel me the difference between websphere 5.1 and 6.1.
Originally posted by Sam Gehouse:
Can anybody please confirm the fix pack version number of the following for running Struts 2 based web app in the WAS 6.1 server that comes with RAD 7. Looking for fix pack versions of:
1. RAD 7
2. WAS 6.1 server.
I hear that RAD7 (upgraded to fixpack pack 7) and WAS 6.1 (upgraded to fix pack 17) works for Struts 2.
Any other comment will be appreciated.