Steve Wink

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since May 13, 2002
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Michael Rivera wrote:I've been in an Agile team since last year, although most of the company i've worked for were trying to do this ever since but always moved the wrong way. My concern about Agile is that it only helps a lot whenever we are doing new products to which new things are said to be finished at a certain time unlike existing ones and recurring old bugs, it doesn't comply i think.

Any thoughts?

Agile is a philosophy that encompasses a lot of methodologies and processes. You may find different types of Agile work for different types of work. So for a development project (whether greenfield or enhancing an existing product) you may want to use Scrum, with the iterations, regular updates of progress etc. For Level 3 defect fixing, you may want to use Kanban with its emphasis on process flow, cycle time for defects etc. Do a bit of reading on different flavours.
Is it worth trying the 5 whys or similar technique at your next retrospective to find out why things are changing between iteration planning and execution? For example it may be because the user story was incorrectly written, in which case the product owner needs to address this. Or you may not have involved all the the key people when reviewing the acceptance criteria - so if you involve development in one sprint and QA in another you may find that if QA weren't involved in the original acceptance criteria agreement they had valuable input that you missed. Or perhaps developers aren't actually paying attention to acceptance criteria? Or maybe the business is changing requirements while you are in an interation, in which case you need to see if you can protect the team from frequent changes, change the iteration length or even assess whether you can use iteration based planning if things change that frequently.

Once you know the causes you can start to address them - one of the key tenets of agile is that you learn from experience and improve.
What about this line:

"JVMDG318: Heap dump file written to C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\default\ "

That file should have the information that you need, or one of the other .phd files.
15 years ago

Chris Hurst wrote:You can use a work manager if your container supports it (yet) , its morally ok to ask the container for a thread and allow it to determine if it should create or allocate you an existing one from a pool .

The devil is in how your 'work' communicates the results ;-), I use that with my JCA in Glassfish and communicate out via MDB.

This might be useful or chekc your container documentation...

Do you find any problems with classloading in Glassfish - we have a JCA adapter that shares classes with our main application. This works fine in WAS, but in Glassfish the classloading order means that our shared classes are loaded in the JCA container. When our application then uses those classes, Glassfish give it the instances that were loaded in the JCA container, which causes problems when they then try to access resources that exist only in our application ear.
EJBs have transaction timeouts, MDBs as well as session beans, so you could reconfigure the transaction timeout, but you may get unwanted side effects if you have really long timeouts - I'm not sure how that would affect the datasources being enlisted in a transaction for a long time, or you may end up with a huge number of open transactions and overwhelm the transaction manager. I guess it depends on how long is long lived. I know WAS has 2 minutes by default, so 3 minutes for example may not have a huge impact. 30 minutes though may be a different matter.
If you have a very long lived action then are EJBs the correct choice?

If you do wish to have something create threads and run for a long time in an app server there is the JCA spec, but I think you'd have to have a really good reason to use it.

nibla jose wrote:Whenever we make a jndi look up we specify a set of initial property set. In this one is the url to the server. Another is the initial factory class name.
1. What is this initial factory class?
2. What does it do?
3. Where does it reside, on the client or on the server?
4. If I have webpshere as my server,
a. is it mandatory that i should be giving the name of ibm implementation of the initial factory?
If this is true, wont this mean that a client should be aware of the application server vendor in which the application runs???
b. Or will it work even if i am using sun's initial factory?
If this is true, then what is the use of having different intial context factories. We only need one class right?

Thanks in advance for all kind answers...

1. The initial factory class is the class that implements the InitialContextFactory interface. You specify it in configuration so that your code doesn't know or care which implementation is being used.
2. It connects to the JNDI repository (whereever and whatever this is depends on the implementation you are using for example there is a websphere one which will look in websphere's JNDI, there is a sun file based reference implementation which uses a simple text file to put bindings in and so on).
3. The class resides in a jar file which your server will have in its classpath and which your client could have in its classpath if you configure it
4. a. yes to you specify the ibm implementation, but not in your code - in a configuration, typically a file, so your client is still ignorant of the server vendor.
b. no.
If you are using websphere you can run your client via launchclient which automatically sets up all the environment variables and configuration to allow you to use ibms jndi.

Last time I looked the javasoft website had an excellent JNDI tutorial which will teach you pretty much everything you need to know.

kiran_kumar wrote:I tried by setting jvm arguments.. but it is not working.

I am using jsf page.. Polish characters are displaying correctly in a label i.e. <tr:outputLabel used for that.
But the same polish characters are converting into ? in a text box i.e. ><tr:inputText

This is happening when i move from one tab to other tab. If i do refresh on the page polish characters are coming correctly.

><trh:cellFormat id="p_1096_pm_desc_gen19" >
<tr:outputLabel id="p_1097_pm_desc_gen20" styleClass="textlable" value="#{pmmsgs.values.firstname}" />
<trh:cellFormat id="p_1098_pm_desc_gen21" halign="right">
<tr:inputText id="p_1099_pm_desc_gen22" maximumLength="255" shortDesc="#{(contexthelp.shortDesc == false)? nodata : pmmsgs.values.enterfirstname}" validator="#{usersGeneralBackingBean.validateFirstName}" required="true" value="#{usersGeneralBackingBean.pageDataBean.userObject.firstName}" requiredMessageDetail="#{pmmsgs.values.new_user_firstname_prompt}" label=" " disabled="#{usersDescriptionBackingBean.pageDataBean.renderModify == false || usersGeneralBackingBean.pageDataBean.canUpdateEntity == false}"/>

I'm afraid I don't know about JSF.

Is there any JavaScript involved? Some JavaScript method specifically target the latin characterset- there are alternative methods that support multibyte characters.
15 years ago
Looking at this

it looks like it does. And in fact it will override for all apps on that server, which is very devious, so maybe its not the best thing to use.

Back to the original question, as has been mentioned there maybe something in the application breaking it. I found searching for ByteArrayOutputStreams and similar classes found a lot of the problems.
15 years ago
One other thing is that WebSphere will want a JVM setting:


in the process definition->Java Virtual Machine tab of the admin console.
15 years ago

Originally posted by san pinky:
Could any body please tel me the difference between websphere 5.1 and 6.1.

WebSphere 5.1 uses J2ee 1.3 and Java 1.4

WebSphere 6.1 uses J2EE 1.4 and Java 5.

Also, WAS 5.1 is no longer supported whereas 6.1 still is.
15 years ago

Originally posted by Sam Gehouse:
Can anybody please confirm the fix pack version number of the following for running Struts 2 based web app in the WAS 6.1 server that comes with RAD 7. Looking for fix pack versions of:
1. RAD 7
2. WAS 6.1 server.

I hear that RAD7 (upgraded to fixpack pack 7) and WAS 6.1 (upgraded to fix pack 17) works for Struts 2.

Any other comment will be appreciated.

I don't know what the minimum is. I use RAD and WAS and struts works on both.
15 years ago