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Durim Kryeziu

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since Sep 19, 2014
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Recent posts by Durim Kryeziu

Hi Laurentiu,

I've been working with Spring for quite some time now, but every time I check a course or read a blog post, I learn some new things every time.

I went briefly through the table of content and my question is: Is there anything explained in more detail from which even experienced developers can benefit?

Congrats on your book :clap:

2 years ago
Hi Josh,

Thank you very much for such a great book, I've read the 2nd edition of the book and I really learned a lot from it, so I plan to purchase the 3rd Edition soon.
My question is about the Serialization chapter, is it anything different from the 2nd edition's ? Because I don't see a lot of benefits learning the nitty gritty of Java's built-in serialization mechanism, correct me if I'm wrong! While I don't see that to be used a lot, almost everyone uses JSON now days.
So in the 3rd edition, what have you included in the Serialization chapter, still the Java's built-in mechanism ? or JSON/XML serialization and similar ?

Thanks in advance
6 years ago
Hey Ashish Sarin & J Sharma

There are a lot of Spring books, even those which cover Spring 5, but I'm interested in a book more than just some very simple hello world examples!

My question is: Does this book covers some more in depth and detailed stuff related to Spring 5 or Spring in general or just introductory stuff for beginners ?

Thanks in advance
6 years ago

John Carnell wrote:Hi Durim,

I think this book might be your sweet spot for a number of different reasons:

1.  I targeted the books specifically to Spring developers.  You need to have a basic understanding of Spring, but you by no means have to be an Spring Expert to understand the book.

2.  I wrote the book from an engineering perspective.  I have played both the role of engineer and architect in my career.  When I wrote this book, I wanted to provide a hands-on, consumable and self-contained book that developers could use in their day to day jobs.   Personally, I try to write the books I like to read.  In this case, the book is heavy on code-examples and light on architectural discussions.  There are lots of good "pure" architecture books on there (Sam Neuman's Book (Oreilly) and Chris Richardson Microservices Patterns in Action book (Manning Press)) are two books that come to mind.  They are both really good books, but focus on the design side of things.  I have always been of the opinion that most developers can get their feet underneath them with a few good code examples.

3.  Writing individual microservices is easy, operationalizing them is a whole another story.  Thats why I the books focuses on all of the technologies that are needed to support a microservices-based application.  That is frankly where I saw the sweet spot for this book when I began writing it.   I have one basic chapter on microservice design and the rest of the chapters all the other technologies you will need sooner or later as you go down your microservice journey.

4.  As for the number of technologies in the book, I would not be too intimidated by it.  I tried to write each chapter to be standalone because frankly everyone who is building the microservices applications have a different environment they are working in.  I really wanted the book to be a book you could read end-to-end or just pick and choose the chapters you are interested in.  

I hope that answered your question.


Yes! Thanks for such a good answer
7 years ago
Hi John,

I just checked the Table of Contents of the book on Amazon and saw there many technologies used together and to many if not all of them (expect Spring Boot) I'm very beginner!
So, does this book fits to guys who know some Spring Core/Spring Boot but are new to microservices architecture ?


P.S. Congrats for the book!
7 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:

Durim Kryeziu wrote:. . . to use Optional properly on the method return types etc ?


And what will happen if you change the return types of methods in a public API?

I meant newly created methods, maybe I stated it wrong, I meant like, if before I wrote a method like this and that, from now on, it's better to write it this way (with Optionals in this case)! Now I think you got the idea what I meant with that
7 years ago
Hi Ken,

Congrats for the book!

Do you have tips & tricks how to migrate to the new Java 8/9 API from a more legacy Java code ? Like to move from loops and Iterators to Streams, to use Optional properly on the method return types etc ?

7 years ago
Hey Vlad,

Thanks for being here

I have a question... I want to know about, if is your book for me or not ?

I'm a Junior Java Developer, know the Java basics pretty well I think, most of the time on my Job I do reporting using SQL and JasperReports Library.
So, I know some SQL, I'm not bad querying data from database, but not so good yet with DDL, Triggers, Procedures etc, know some basic things about JDBC, BUT I have no idea about Hibernate yet!
My aim is to be a good Backend Java Developer, want to learn Spring and Hibernate on a near future.

Hope this helps to answer my question.

Thanks a lot
Oh thank you so much Simon for this good answer:D

I'm looking forward for your OCA Java SE 8 Programmer certificate course

Have a good time
Hi Simon,

Welcome to ranch and thank you for this course!

I would like to hear this answer from you as an experienced, well known Java guy.

Why you made the course for OCA Java SE 7 Programmer Exam instead of OCA Java SE 8 Programmer Exam ?
Does it still worth to be certified on OCA Java SE 7 even though OCA Java SE 8 is out there and Java 9 is coming ? If yes, then why?

Another question, what is special about this course ?

Thank you so much

Have a good time:D
Hi Bryson,

Welcome to Ranch and thanks for being here and promoting your book!

I'm very interested for my wife to learn programming, she graduated in Economics, but now both of us are interested for her to start with programming.
She started to learn some HTML & CSS stuff, but I'm interested in a good book that explain things very well for beginners.
I don't know much about Python, can she program for web with Python? Is this book a good start for someone like her that wants to focus on web programming? Would you prefer Python to her?

Thanks in advance
9 years ago
Hello Sandro,

Welcome to JavaRanch and thanks for being here.

I have scrolled up and down the table of contents of your book and beside all of the topics, one that interests me more is "The Software Craftsmanship Attitude".
Can you tell me more about what does this topic covers? Especially "Books, Many Books" because I like too much reading techical books!
Now I'm just a junior software developer, would your book benefit developers like me or it is just for senior software developers?

Thanks for responding and for detailed answers!
9 years ago
Hi Sam,

Welcome and I wish you all the best selling your book!

I have some questions for you:

1. Why you decided to write this kind of book?

2. Where is the difference between this book and other books out on the market on the same topic (from your point of view)?

3. Are you planning to make it as a printed book too soon or it will be just an eBook?

4. I know you from your blog and your podcast, and I read some of the posts on your blog, is there any difference between blog posts and book's topics or blog posts are just grouped together on your book?

5. Does it covers more than Java SE or not?

Thank you for everything:)
9 years ago