Ron White

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since Oct 21, 2014
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Hello Jaikiran, Thanks for the clarification. I suppose another library could be used, however, this was the recommended library from Apache Tomcat Step-By-Step guide. And MacOS 10.9 or 10.10 definitely did not have that library installed, at least not in any place I could find. Cheers,
10 years ago
Turns out Mac (Mavericks or Yosemite) doesn't have ANT installed as part of their distro. Once I downloaded ANT 1.9.4 from the Apache website, then added its path to my .bash_profile, Tomcat started right up and displayed the friendly landing page.
Hope anyone struggling to get Tomcat up and running on MacOS 10.9 or 10.10 finds this helpful.
10 years ago
Good Day, I almost hit a moose once. Biggest animal I ever saw.

Installed Tomcat 8 (Users/$HOME/tomcat with a symlink from Library/Tomcat) on MBP 10.9, running JDK 1.8 (confirmed $ java -version). Tomcat launches and Catalina is running but localhost:8080 returns 404. Something is not configured correctly or there may be collision on port 8080 ($ natstat -an | grep 8080 return open and listening). Errors thrown in /logs/catalina.out:

But the rest seems to load as expected. I get some additional errors when running the configtest. Most output left out for brevity.

This is repeated for ajp-nio-8009 (shutdown). Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. And know that one more moose lives because I WASN'T texting and driving...

10 years ago