Calen Legaspi

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since Jun 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Calen Legaspi

Seems that sometimes the alternate flows contradict the preconditions.
For example, in one use case, a customer must be logged-in and have a
profile, but there are two alternate flows for the condtions of when the
customer is not logged in and for when the customer has no profile on
record yet. So which takes precedence, the alternate flows or the

Yeah, you can get pretty much the same questions on the internet, but you don't get the explanations.

How do I describe interactions with container services? For example, declarative security.

I thought of creating an component called "Security Service" with the stereotype "EJB Container Service". I'll then show in the sequence diagram how the Security Service intercepts requests from the user. In the component diagram, I'll simply show dependency from some of the business components to the service. I'll also have a paragraph on my security design decision.

Is this the right approach?
I think the application will be better if I deviate from the sequence specified by some of the use cases. For example, to me it seems checking for whether a user is logged in and has a valid profile seems too late in the game, and perhaps it would be better if authentication happens even before each use case occurs. In fact, being logged in is a precondition to most of the use cases, so it seems some use cases have some inconsistencies.

Is it ok if my sequence diagrams deviate from the stipulated work flow? These deviations will be well-documented, of course.
Cade's book has an example where one class was removed from the BDM. Is that ok in the actual assignment?

I'm thinking of removing the Segment and the Equipment classes since they seem like useless intermediate classes. Someone please tell me if what I'm thinking is wrong?


Worth the money. Nine exams (when I used it), each item has explanations so you're not left stumped after you take a practice exam. Questions were a little harder than the actual exam but that's a good thing because it makes you study more.

Any tips on doing the class diagrams? For example, I'm not sure whether to put stereotypes in the class diagram - "JSP", "EJB", "Servlet"... I figure if I do that, then I'll just be repeating the same thing in the Component Diagram, right?

All advice regarding the class diagram will be appreciated!
How do you express the alternate flows? I'd imagine this would be in the sequence diagrams but wouldn't this make the diagrams complicated and thus unreadable?

In practice, I'd put alternate flows in separate sequence diagrams but the requirements say to submit only one sequence diagram per use case.

Thanks in advance!

The requirments say to submit one sequence diagram per use case. That sounds to me like a high-level diagram. In practice I'd only create a "system sequence diagram" where the system is a black box, but I guess that's too high-level for the assignment.

How much detail should the sequence diagram contain? What aspects need to be revealed? Do all the messages have to be in the form of a method (what about user input)?
I'm caching the records from the file into memory. Now the file issued with URLyBird only has around two-dozen records, so all of those could undoubtedly be accomodated into memory.
Now, my question is, does my app have to accomodate for a time when the entire database cannot fit into memory? Meaning, should I write my database-managment classes such that it is memory-sensitive, perhaps using SoftReferences, such that when memory starts to get scarce the garbate collector is able to delete entries?
Or is that overkill, and a simple HashMap will do for a cache?