This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

Ramesh Donnipadu

Ranch Hand
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Recent posts by Ramesh Donnipadu


Have you heard of Multipart content type?

Jason Hunter's MultipartRequest utility class will help you

Similar discussion at


From your description, it looks like your team need a good coaching on Agile practices, Lean thinking. They need some help on estimating, continuous build and release management and other engineering practices. It is good that you are trying to fill that role to some extent, but it leads to a conflict of interest with your official duties.

Coming from a Development and SM background, it may be very tempting not to interfere, but you need to do some unlearning and focus only on market research, product strategy, road map and business value.

What version of JDK are you using?

I don't think the problem is with detecting JDK. It is complaining that your JDK version cannot support hot deployment. If hot-deployment is not your priority, your resin appears to have started. Could you verify by typing http://localhost:8080?

18 years ago

What is the database you are using and what did you enter in the Can you post the contents of your

No. This is not manual. UDDI is like Naming service for J2EE/Corba. ebXML is another competing technology for UDDI.
19 years ago
BPM and BPEL are overshadowing Workflow now a days. You may try Oracle's BPEL engine. This can run on Weblogic, JBoss and Oracle's app server.

19 years ago
Thanks for the reply!

But doesn't J2EE specification prohibit opening network connections, File IO, threading etc?

[ October 20, 2004: Message edited by: Ramesh Donnipadu ]
[ October 20, 2004: Message edited by: Ramesh Donnipadu ]
We have a situation where our enterprise application needs to communitate with another system, whose only communication mechanism is an Http Post. I'm not sure if the J2EE spec allows Http Get/Post from within a Session bean. Do I need to write a JCA adapter? or a simple MDB that does Http Post? What are my choices?

I was wondering what is the best solution to this. Your suggestions are appreciated.

[ October 19, 2004: Message edited by: Ramesh Donnipadu ]
Are there any performance penalties that we need to consider before creating views? If we create a view by joining several tables, does inserts/updates to the tables underlying the view take longer?
Thanks for any help,
Could you let me know how and where do I configure the EJBs to use local references where appropriate to improve performance in WebSphere 5.0
20 years ago
If there indeed is a limitation, can you divide the number of IDs into chunks of size 1000 (or whatever is the max), select chunks of 1000s and add more OR clauses as in below?

SELECT XXX FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN (I1, I2, ...Ik) OR ID IN (Ik+1,Ik+2, ..I2k) OR ID IN (I2k+1+...) ...
Awesome score!
Could you share how you prepared your assignments and what did you focus on? I am proud that I worked with you one time!
Uncle Martin detailed his experiences and lessons learned in this article. Read
story from the Horse's mouth.

I guess you are trying to print the contents of the Array in reverse order. If so, could you try this?

[ January 13, 2004: Message edited by: Ramesh Donnipadu ]
20 years ago