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since Jun 11, 2002
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Recent posts by sadheman

hi Satish,
i need your help. i also shifted my EJB architecture from weblogic server to Sun ONE AS 7. Can you please guide me regarding following things:
1. how to generate the deployment descriptors?
2. did u generate your deployment descriptors for sun server using sun studio?
3. why database driver you have used?
i am asking the question as i am facing some svere problems in it.
waiting for your kind help. thanks in advance.
21 years ago
why are you using
rather you can use
It will not generate ClassCastException and successfully looks the bean up.
21 years ago
Hi Michael Ernest,
Thanks for refering the policy. It is the nice effort to keep the site clean and look good. But you tell me the purpose of nice looking site when a posted problem got no reply, no response? Decision is yours. Whether people might come here for solutions or just see bright colors and cool things. And mind it is my name and nothing else.
waiting still for my query response!
21 years ago
Hi dears,
I am facing the above exception while instantiating the create method for Entity bean. The above exception has a lengthy code underneath it. The bean is looked up successfully, but cant instiated its create method.
I am working in Sun ONE Application Server 7 environment.
waiting for your help! :roll:
21 years ago
check the server's log files under server installation directory.

21 years ago