Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:This week, we're delighted to have Michael McCandless, Erik Hatcher, and Otis Gospodnetic helping to answer questions about the new book Lucene in Action. See table of contents and sample chapters one and three online.
The promotion starts Tuesday, August 3rd 2010 and will end on Friday, August 6th 2010.
We'll be selecting four random posters in this forum to win a free copy of the book provided by the publisher, Manning.
Please see the Book Promotion page to ensure your best chances at winning!
Posts in this welcome thread are not eligible for the drawing.
Originally posted by Siripa Siangklom:
Is there a PHP port of the Lucene search engine?
Originally posted by Gian Franco Casula:
If I understood correctly Lucene
can perform searches on file systems.
Is it possible to integrate this
functionality with database searches
as well, in a way making it independent
of where a file is stored?
Originally posted by William Brogden:
So if I understand you, there is no phonetic "Sounds like" mechanism right now but it looks like it would be easy to add one. The Jakarta commons codec toolkit has some implementations of phonetic coding - including metaphone - which I have used in the legal docuement searcher. Of course, "sounds like" is different for different languages, and probably even regional dialects within languages.
Originally posted by Erik Hatcher:
There are many strange things that can occur between parsing and analyzing the query expression that are best avoided by forming queries directly with the API whenever possible - even if that means working with an analyzer directly as QueryParser does under the covers.
Originally posted by William Brogden:
If you try for a search using a word that Lucene does not have in the index, is there some way you can get a list of words that are "close" in some sense? Alphabetic or phonetic for example. When I was working with full text searching in legal documents, being able to find "close" words was very important, given variations in spelling of people's names for example.
Originally posted by Manmohan Singh:
Which comparison do you want?Softwares may be compared in terms of Space,Time and Cost.As you know its Open Source with GPL License hence its free.Among space and time,which comparison you are interested in?
Originally posted by Ali Pope:
This article seems interesting, opening some kind of a new direction for object persistance.
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
IndexSearcher in Lucene accepts the query and returns the Hits object.As stated in one tutorial,Lucene is IR Library rather than Search Engine.Does implementor need to construct catche/crawler for even faster search/indexing?
Also how the results are returned?As per the tutorial(s) on net,it uses Score for a page(Document in general),how differen is this in comparison with PageRank of Google?To my knowledge ,PageRank calculates the score not only on the frequency of accessing the page but also the backlinks(total pages pointing towards that page)How the score of Document is calculated in Lucene?
Does Hit stand for Hypertext Induced Topic Selection?the algorithm used to rank the document?
[ January 06, 2005: Message edited by: Arjun Shastry ]
Originally posted by Pradeep Bhat:
Is Lucene faster than other search techniques? If yes, how ?Thanks
Originally posted by Ali Pope:
Erik, this is something very interesting. Still i checkout many asf projects throught cvs? Does svn support this? (i didn't read this uptill now).