shree vijay

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Recent posts by shree vijay

Hi Madhav,
I think what your are referring to is that
TakeOrderBean is under the directory classes and therefore htdocs.TakeOrderBean is an error.
I should admit my error. In fact, I found out that soon after I posted and corrected and of course "still it doesn't work"
But regarding your opinion

I hate to say this but it is very clear to me that you are second guessing what works and what doesn't. Please take some time. Read a tutorial or two and see how it all fits together. You could have done all this if you din't waster your time guessing....

I think you would accept that there are as many ways of learning as there are people.
There are people who go through the whole set of facts , and then only try the basic things.
I have tried this approach and it doesn't work for me. I feel that I get mired in too much text and theory. You take a book, and there are all the details of all methods in a class, what they do ... on... and on...
I prefer the 'incremental approach', I guess especially with programming -- I try to decide the basic thing I want to do, search out the commands for that, try it out and then improve upon the basic thing with additional code -- and so forth -- as far as learning personally. That the basic structure works gives me added incentive to learn more and dig in.
I would like to state that I appreciate your opinion and of course, I will have to dig in more into this stuff. Thanks, of course.
22 years ago
I have tried to put the whole thing as an appln.
MY application is ordapp under

The hierarchy is
ordapp (contains)
1 *.html
2 *.jsp
3 web-inf (contains)
1 web.xml
2 classes (contains)
my web.xml file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

Still it doesn't work. I also saw that there is a file called server.xml. Is that essential?
22 years ago
I guess I should have given the whole thing -- I tried to make it short and missed the syntax nuance:
Here is the syntax I used for using the bean:
<jsp:useBean id="takeOrderBean" scope="session" class="htdocs.TakeOrderBean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="takeOrderBean" property="*"/>
Am I missing out something? Right now, I am reading about Web deployment and packaging -- but I really don't know if I 'have' to do that. I am just trying out a simple appln.
[ April 10, 2002: Message edited by: shree vijay ]
22 years ago

I am working on JSP with Apache server
My files are under c:\oracle\apache\apache\htdocs
All my individual jsp files are working fine.
There is one bean I have defined in the same directory and I use this bean in a jsp file
I have included
But I get the following error:
oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseException: Line # 2, Error: Unable to find class for bean: takeOrderBean defined by tag with class: htdocs.TakeOrderBean
I have the in the same directory and I am able to compile it independently to TakeOrderBean.class.
There was a similar example in the book Professional Java Server Programming J2EE ed.
They also have an XML descriptor file -- is it necessary to have that? What purpose does it serve?
22 years ago
I have found the search to be a useful tool in the ranch since most of the 'regular' doubts would have been already raised and instead of posting one more question, a simple search will usually bring up the answers. Sometimes, you could learn some new related stuff too, browsing over the search results.
I have known the ranch for quite some time now, but recently, I find that any search is taking an unbearably long time.
Any help from the ranchers or bartenders?
22 years ago
Thanks for the info. I talked to a Sun rep at
(800) 422-8020 today and she said that since the assignment is available to me, this probably could not be done. She told me that I can further clarify with the Certification Department by mailing
I really hope this works out -- I have not scheduled a date or any such thing for the SCJD, and I feel Sun can give me a transfer. Let us see what happens.

I have already paid 250 bucks for the SCJD. Now, I would prefer to take the SCWCD rather than SCJD since this interests me more. Is there any possibility that I can transfer the fee I paid?
Has anyone done this before ?
Hi , I too want to develop a chat application. Can you tell me where I can find the resources for this?
23 years ago
Thanks,Simon, it was a small nuance but I definitely missed it.
23 years ago
AFAIK ( I am only a beginner in JSP....) , you should use out.println() instead of System.out.println().
23 years ago
Hi, Here is a portion of my code:

In the location denoted by ****** in the SQL statement, I used findkey variable. This caused an error, I guess the SQL statement does not recognize the java variable. I also tried r.getString("user_Name") where r is my resultset. That didn't work too. I tried enclosing r.getString("user_Name") within <%= %> since this code is from a jsp file. That doesn't work too. What should I do?
23 years ago
Thanks Sean,Bill and Tony for responding. I guess I have some problem in placing my file.
If I open the browser with
then the files are working.
But I am not able to do that with
Any help will be appreciated.
[This message has been edited by shree vijay (edited July 09, 2001).]
23 years ago
I have registered myself with I am trying to run a .jsp file which I created in my notepad. I don't have Apache/Tomcat in my machine. I am trying to run in directly in mycgiserver. I did an ftp transfer of c:\my documents\sridevi\jsp\ex1.jsp to my root in mycgiserver. I know that .jsp has to become .java and .class to run. How does that happen? I tried to load and it doesn't work. (500 Servlet exception) For that matter, even HelloWorld pgm gives the same exception. Is there anything I am missing?
23 years ago
Hi, This is my program portion which gives the error
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc : oracle : oci8:@shree",
"scott", "tiger");
shree is my sid in the oracle database.
I am working in
All the unzipped personal oracle is in
The full oracle stuff is at
I am able to compile my program, but when running it, the error is :
Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no ocijdbc8 in java.library.path
I have included in the classpath and
c:\oracle\ora81\jdbc\lib in the path

I am not able to run any demos that come with personal oracle since they give the same problem.
Is there anything wrong with my directory structure? What should I do ?
I am working in Win 98. I checked the FAQ at
and it says i should check whether I have shared object files and ORACLE_HOME\LIB is in my path. I guess shared object files is not needed for me as i am working in Windows. Also , in another FAQ i was told that I should include the environment variable LD_CLASS_PATH to ORACLE_HOME\bin. I did that too.
I am assuming that ORACLE_HOME is c:\oracle\ora81. Is that correct?

Thanks for the help,
Hi, This is my program portion which gives the error

conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc : oracle : oci8:@shree",
"scott", "tiger");
shree is my sid in the oracle database.
I am working in
All the unzipped personal oracle is in
The full oracle stuff is at
I am able to compile my program, but when running it, the error is :
Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no ocijdbc8 in java.library.path
I have included in the classpath and

c:\oracle\ora81\jdbc\lib in the path

I am not able to run any demos that come with personal oracle since they give the same problem.
Is there anything wrong with my directory structure? What should I do ?

Thanks for the help,
[This message has been edited by shree vijay (edited January 24, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by shree vijay (edited January 24, 2001).]