Bryant Constant

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since Jun 24, 2002
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Recent posts by Bryant Constant

Completed Assignment OOP-4 (Lookup)

Submitted Assignment Servlet-1 (NowServlet), first attempt.
13 years ago
Woo Hoo!!

It took me a while to get back to the ranch, but I am glad I came back and finally hunted down that first Moose. I hope to stick around long enough to bag a few more.
14 years ago
I just wanted to be helpful. Thanks for the reply.
14 years ago
I can not navigate to the pages of topics in the forums using the numbered buttons on the top or bottom of the forum topic pages.

However, I can go to a specific page by clicking on the Go button next to the numbers and typing in the page number I want to go to.

I am trying this with Internet Explorer Version 8.0.6001.18702IC.

Maybe this is related to the fix mentioned in the topic "Go to Drop down box (right bottom part ) to jump to various forums is not working"

Read new messages since my last visit http://forums/newMessages link on the initial page after login to the JavaRanch >> Java Forums page is not working either.
14 years ago
Back after 8 years in the wilderness.
Submitted Assignment Java-4a (Say) for attempt 2.

Please take me off the inactive list.
14 years ago
The SDK is the "software development kit", so if
you were wanting to compile something, that probably means you were wanting to develop it too !!!
Sorry I did not make that more explicit in my initial message. Good Luck !!!
22 years ago
Did you download j2re1.4.0.0_1 or j2sdk1.4.0.0_1? %SystemRoot%\system32;?
I downloaded j2sdk1.4.0.0_1 which contained j2re1.4.0.0_1. j2re1.4.0.0_1 was expanded when j2sdk1.4.0.0_1 was installed.
If its really j2sdk1.4.0.0_1 then change your PATH to %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\bin;C:\j2re1.4.0_01\jre\bin
( Note: your original path included a ;C;\j2re1.4.0_01 , semicolon after drive letter )
Add to CLASSPATH c:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\lib;.;c:\java; (where C:\Java is the directory where you are coding)
Note that directory %SystemRoot%\system32 (contained in the PATH) could also contain java or javac executables.
22 years ago
Following is the CLASSPATH to use:
The dot ( . ) represents the current directory in Windows and Unix. The CLASSPATH ( or any other
PATH ) is a list of directories to look at to resolve which class ( or program ) to use. The directories are separated by semilcolons ( ; ). The list is evaluated from left to right.
You should also add to your path
so that the correct java executables are run.
Make sure that NO other java\bin directory appears before the C:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\bin in your path or that will be the one which is executed.
22 years ago
Following is the CLASSPATH to use:
The dot (.) represents the current directory in Windows and Unix. The CLASSPATH (or any other PATH) is a list of directories to look at to resolve which class (or program) to use. The directories are separated by semilcolons ( ; ). The list is evaluated from left to right.
[ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: Bryant Constant ]
22 years ago