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since Jun 24, 2002
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Recent posts by manoj

We have the same issue as yours with the username and password. Have you found a solution for this issue.
Hi all,
Is there any good migration guilde for migration the application developed in WSAd 4.0 to WSAd 5.0.I think the directory structure are different in both the environment.Is there any guide available to do the same.
21 years ago
I am having problems getting my directry structure inside CVS:
Here is what I want
ABCRepository (Repository)
project1(WSAD5.0 project)
project2(WSAD5.0 porject)

As shown above I have a main repository(ABC repository) and need a folder known as src there.Insided src I have my projects(project1,project2)which are folder in cvs.
Using WSAd 5.0 - CVS plugin I can point to ABCRepository and put all my code in the root i.e put Project1 and project2 inside the ABCRepository. How can create the directory structure as given above. Is there a way by whcih in WSAd I can say that I want to put the projects not inside the root but inside the folder(src) in the root.
Any help will be useful.
I am having problems getting my directry structure inside CVS:
Here is what I want
ABCRepository (Repository)
project1(WSAD5.0 project)
project2(WSAD5.0 porject)

As shown above I have a main repository(ABC repository) and need a folder known as src there.Insided src I have my projects(project1,project2)which are folder in cvs.
Using WSAd 5.0 - CVS plugin I can point to ABCRepository and put all my code in the root i.e put Project1 and project2 inside the ABCRepository. How can create the directory structure as given above. Is there a way by whcih in WSAd I can say that I want to put the projects not inside the root but inside the folder(src) in the root.
Any help will be useful.
21 years ago
1) I am using CVS and WSAD 4.0.2. I have created a stream and attached project to that stream.Now I want to detach project from that stream.From the Repository view we do have option to "Remove project from Stream" but it is disabled.can you please let me know how can I detach a project from the stream if I have to do it...
2) whenver I try to create a new stream it also attaches the projects belonging to the other stream.Why does it do this?
Thanks in advance..
1) I am using CVS and WSAD 4.0.2. I have created a stream and attached project to that stream.Now I want to detach project from that stream.From the Repository view we do have option to "Remove project from Stream" but it is disabled.can you please let me know how can I detach a project from the stream if I have to do it...
2) whenver I try to create a new stream it also attaches the projects belonging to the other stream.Why does it do this?
Thanks in advance...
1) I am using CVS and WSAD 4.0.2. I have created a stream and attached project to that stream.Now I want to detach project from that stream.From the Repository view we do have option to "Remove project from Stream" but it is disabled.can you please let me know how can I detach a project from the stream if I have to do it...
2) whenver I try to create a new stream it also attaches the projects belonging to the other stream.Why does it do this?
21 years ago
Is there a direct way to create the EJB client jar file or do we have to add the stubs and skeletons manually to the J2EE client jar file.My application just have EJB.jar file we dont have web or servlet.Can you please also send me the link of how to create EJB client jar file using WSAD.
21 years ago
Hi All,
We have all the applications developed is WSAD 4 and deployed in AE 4.0.4.Now we are planning to move our application
developement from WSAD 4.0 to WSAD 5.0 but still deploy the application in AE 4.0.4. Is there any changes in the directory
structure that is necessary for this to take place or we can do the WSAD 4.0 to WSAD 5.0 without any changes.Is there any
changed that is requires for this to happen.
21 years ago
Hi All,
I have a Enterprise application (Z) that is deployed on a Server group of two application server A and B on two seperate boxes.Since my application is 24/7 I need the service to be up all the time.My question is using wscp is it possible that I stop the ENterpriseApp on one appserver .Please note that both the appserver belong to the same server group.I tried to run the the command "EnterpriseApp start /EnterpriseApp:Z/" but this starts the Enterprise App in the server group.Is there a wscp command by which I can start/stop the app in one application server of the Server group.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
21 years ago
I agree with you that Web server comes with Websphere 4.0 AE. But in our production environment we have web server in the DMZ(web server is on a seperate box) and we want to run our application inside the DMZ. We dont want every request to go outside the DMZ.
We want to know whether is there a way that we can run the Web service without using any web server.We just want to call the App server directly.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
21 years ago
Do we need to use Web server to deploy and make Web services work .I am trying to deploy Web service on Websphere 4.0.4 advances addition which does not have a Webserver in it.
If we dont need Webserver then please give me info about how do we deploy it on the app server.
21 years ago
I am trying to run MQ program from my machine to a JMS configured Websphere server.I am getting the following error when I am trying to get a connection.
Can some tell what is wrong :
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method addConnectionPoolToken()Lcom/ibm/mq/MQPoolToken; not found
at<init>(>> closing JMS resources>> JMS resources closed
at com.i21.epay.ejb.EpayTestClient.main(
Exception in thread "P=354918 =0:CT"
mq.jar and other files are already there in the classpath.
Thanks for the hlep in advance.
21 years ago
I have to insert records to database. I have 3 tables that I have to wrtie to. I am using websphere question is should I use one CMP bean for all the tables or use 3 seperate CMP beans for writing it to the Database.
21 years ago
I am using Webspehre 4.0 for development of my CMP EJB. Can someone tell me how can I use the sequences provided by oRacle to add a new row to the table.
21 years ago