jessie puls

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since Jul 08, 2002
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Recent posts by jessie puls

Actually I fixed the problem..I should have been creating a new thread instead of just trying to call play again. If you wanted to see the rest of the code though there is a link in my previous message to download it in a zip file. Anyway I got it fixed now and it works right. Now I just want to make my computer player a little bit smarter because as it is right now it just picks an open spot randomly. anyway thanks for the input. This is an assignment for a class and we haven't really covered threading yet, so I messed that up, but I was approaching the assignment slightly differently than most of my classmates who were doing the bulk of their work in action listeners on buttons. I didn't really like the way that looked so I decided not to do it that way ( which I believe is what the teacher originally intended since we haven't covered threading in any great detail yet ). Thanks again.

19 years ago
something like this maybe?

you would probably want to set some maximum value for the randoms generated on the size and position of the shapes.
[ November 24, 2004: Message edited by: jessie puls ]
19 years ago
I am not sure why it is freezing up. I know where, but not why. Here is the code where the problem is coming from. I have the line of code that is causing the problem commented out right now. The first one is where it is being called the second is what it is calling. Also if you want to look at all the code you can from If anyone can help at all I would be very greatful. Thanks!


Again thanks.
19 years ago